You guys know that
@Oregonglassblower Mister OGB will make whatever you want? I’m getting a few things from him in the near future and a couple of different adapters are on that list. No he isn’t as inexpensive as say, TAG, but his prices are very fair, he shows FC love and his work has a very high bounce factor. Many members have attested their OGB pieces have survived scenarios where other, lesser glass would not. The FC old-timers say it’s the voodoo he performs in the annealing process... idk.
I’m only speaking for myself but in my admittedly short vape experience, I’ve learned that buying the cheaper stuff isn’t cost effective long term. I’m tired of cheap glass blown wonky that will shatter if you stare it. I’m not saying that there isn’t any high-quality Glass and quartz accessories from China either.

Many Chinese manufacturers have the skills to make proper good stuff but too often they’re asked for “rock-bottom dirt cheap” and they’ll produce accordingly. I’m interested in that “higher price for better quality” that’s in the midrange. And dudes like
@710Coils are showing it’s possible to find factories to do work to an exacting specification that he can still sell at incredible prices, again with that FC love! And respected members are saying his stuff is equal to the boutique shit selling for 3-4x the dough.

I think there’s plenty enough real estate to drill a hole in the standard adjustable screen gong. You could even fold the sleeve over & double it for more options for hole placement. Use water and go slow. I’ve handled these gongs plenty and the glass doesn’t really get hot at all until the very end. Maybe 1/2 inch, 13mm for the rest of the world

, just where it’s in contact with the heater. I saw instructions for this in another thread, I’ll find it if someone wants to give it a go. I’m thinking of asking for a shorter gong, no silicone, with a small row of bumps or beads to facilitate spinning it in a j-hook. I’m a freak like that.
EDIT: for clarity