Just a dude
@Hitomi So glad to hear it, thanks for reporting back! You didn’t hurt my feelings, you offended me with your arrogant assumptions. Take your refund and go in peace. Good luck with your attitude. 
To everyone else here who contributes and whose opinions I truly value, I’m sorry if you think I was harsh or vehement in my reply to that OP’s question. I didn’t think or care about the person’s gender when I read the post. I thought “Nasty American” and I’m allowed to say that because I am one. Historically, BF always seems to bring out the worst in American culture and this person exemplified it. The whole “if you don’t do whatever I want, no matter the reality of the situation, then I’ll take my valuable custom elsewhere!” attitude. Any business is better off to give them their precious money back and be done with them.
I thought it was a greedy and entitled question from a person not seeking to understand, just trying to manipulate and get over the good intentions of EpicVape’s holiday sales. It was obvious to the point of stupidity and so I answered in a way that was clear on every point. I wasn’t nasty but I wanted the OP to think about it rationally. And it’s now perfectly clear exactly the game that she was playing.
Maybe I should impose a self-ban from this thread, especially around sales times. I always try to be kind and helpful on FC but my patience has worn thin twice in this thread recently and while I haven’t been nasty or mean, it hardly qualifies as “nice”. I can even accept that I probably deserve to get “points” or a thread ban. So I leave you good people now to enjoy your Enanos!
I’ll be back when I can be nice no matter how stupid the post.

To everyone else here who contributes and whose opinions I truly value, I’m sorry if you think I was harsh or vehement in my reply to that OP’s question. I didn’t think or care about the person’s gender when I read the post. I thought “Nasty American” and I’m allowed to say that because I am one. Historically, BF always seems to bring out the worst in American culture and this person exemplified it. The whole “if you don’t do whatever I want, no matter the reality of the situation, then I’ll take my valuable custom elsewhere!” attitude. Any business is better off to give them their precious money back and be done with them.
I thought it was a greedy and entitled question from a person not seeking to understand, just trying to manipulate and get over the good intentions of EpicVape’s holiday sales. It was obvious to the point of stupidity and so I answered in a way that was clear on every point. I wasn’t nasty but I wanted the OP to think about it rationally. And it’s now perfectly clear exactly the game that she was playing.
Maybe I should impose a self-ban from this thread, especially around sales times. I always try to be kind and helpful on FC but my patience has worn thin twice in this thread recently and while I haven’t been nasty or mean, it hardly qualifies as “nice”. I can even accept that I probably deserve to get “points” or a thread ban. So I leave you good people now to enjoy your Enanos!
I’ll be back when I can be nice no matter how stupid the post.