Well-Known Member
Good to see all the new Enano owners. Happy Friday!
thanks @CarolKing ,
And thanks to all who helped in the thread,
thanks FK always learn something with you !

Good to see all the new Enano owners. Happy Friday!
almost forgot ..I will need an American / European power converter -> 110v / 220v, can anyone recommend some one reliable and out of annoying buzzing?
thanks !
I linked to one a page or two back that I ended up buying, it does the job however the buzzing is quite loud and very irritating!
I also asked about a silent one too but just like you I didn't get a response and that I imagine is because there are none available or if there are then maybe the cost is too high in comparison? I'll continue my search for a silent one though as I feel it's definitely needed and will post in here if I find one...
I bought this converter in the end >>> http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/240v-to-110v-300w-voltage-converter-vr05f
Its overkill and a tad expensive but it runs cool and silent, i originally had the 50W one but it ran very very hot and made me nervous. This one seems like it will last forever and well worth it for the piece of mind.
18 months with the nano for me now and its still my main daily driver.
I needed some 14mm gongs recently and scored free shipping again to the UK with the FC coupon for the 4th or so time too. Can't beat that level of service Epicvape really are a great company!
Picked up my nano to plug it in on Saturday and something is rattling inside it! It will not light up or heat up at this point. I have written Epicvape but haven't heard back yet. Really bummed not having my nano at the ready! Anyone have this issue before??
I have both adjustable and fixed glass screen stems and gongs.I'd prefer the honeycomb I think, but remember airflow restriction issues, and the adjustable was a pain because i'd lose alot of herbs with stirring.
It makes no difference, however I find it easier to place the wire with the resistor on the pin closest to the bottom of the Nano. Be very careful however as the Resistor wire is VERY fragile.So, i managed to destroy my Nano this afternoon.
I went to pull the power cord out, and the whole female connection attached to the Nano popped out, including the wires and the little light.
It actually looks pretty simple to fix (would've been even simpler if i didn't fiddle with it and break one of the wires)
Anyway, it looks like i just need slide the wires back into the crimping. Only problem is that the wires are not differentiated in any way (positive and negative, diff colours etc)
@ACE OF VAPE is there a positive and negative? Do i need to connect them to the right wire, or does it not matter? More important, if it does matter, what happens if i get it wrong? Zap crackle and pop, or it just doesn't work?
Sorry for all the questions, but the cost of sending the unit half way around the world for repair likely makes it not worth it, but i am handy enough to do it myself if it is not dangerous.
Any assistance appreciated. Thanks
It makes no difference, however I find it easier to place the wire with the resistor on the pin closest to the bottom of the Nano. Be very careful however as the Resistor wire is VERY fragile.
The NANO size is PERFECT!washed easy! fantastic!!
@CarolKing thanks very much ! forever you help
@ataxian ! firts vapor for you and second vapor for FC
washed easy! fantastic!!
@CarolKing thanks very much ! forever you help
@ataxian ! firts vapor for you and second vapor for FC
yes @ataxian ! Is that a COLA in the glass
I just took 48h with my e-nano and I think my e-nano is more powerful than other e-nano around here .. I get white clouds on the dial 4.5 if I upload it to 6 I barely have a couple of seconds to inhale And retire stem otherwise there is combustion ,,, if I want to suck slow it seems that 4 of the dial is the point..
I read that 6.5 is the most common point and 5 or 5.5 for single flavor !. I'm going with 4.5 for big clouds and 3.5 or 4 for just tasting ... maybe it's soon to compare ... I'm still taming the cable and trying different combinations of screens and crystals ... But I love it ,,, it's so cool!! I'm amazed at its efficiency without dominating this vapor ,, this can only improve ....
I think my honeymoon starts...