Well-Known Member
Yeah... some threads can be a little sensitive. Catch me wrong on a bad day, and you may see the same from me here- but most here are pretty nice. Some of those jed-Hi's can take themselves a bit too seriously when you catch them on home turf, tho. Certainly not as bad as some other threads can be, but get what you're saying. No worries. I wouldn't sweat it too much, and definitely don't take it personally!
Quick tip for you on FC posts... keep your typing outside of the [QUOT]boxes. Then quote will show in blue, and your response will show normal.
All good! I still screw it up all the time with some of the shit I try to do while stoned! One more tip, hit the "More Options..." button at the bottom, then the "Preview..." button at the bottom before posting to see what your post will look like when posted live. You can edit there, too.
Misspelled quote above so things didn't turn blue, but you can actually have all kinds of fun with it.
@flotntoke thanks for the tips, I was probably guilty of being under the influence when I replied, lol.
Thanks for the kind words!
The tracking info says Saturday delivery,
With any luck I'll be waking and vaping for fathers day!!
Damn, I ordered the fc-187 last Thursday and the tracking still says went through sorting in China, pre-shipment.
Edit, just checked, it'seems in San Francisco! I might get it Saturday, if I am lucky, worse case Sunday.

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