Well-Known Member

I'd like to update since my last post . To re-cap I made a post mentioning that my black base was slightly off center with a tiny gap , I was just asking if this was normal? To my surprise Andy responded back within minutes requesting me to send the unit in for adjustment , & also mentioned giving a free stem for my troubles . The issue was so minor I debated on even sending the unit in , especially since I had fallen in love with the unit and did not want to be without it . I finally got around to sending the unit in this Tuesday . Andy realigned the base and had my unit back in my hand with a free stem by this sat , WOW ! I live half way across the country so I really could not be more pleased with the customer service of this company . Since The nano was gone it gave me a chance to get my glass cleaned in my "nano station" for her return . I took a couple pictures of her for you guys in her natural environment as soon as she got home . I got the fiddleback maple wood , I think the horizontal "waves" in the wood and light wood tone really give it a modern look which I like a lot and matches my home décor .
One little mod I did to the aluminum epic stand is add a tool/ accessory holder . I found that a kanger mini protank3 glass sleeve with two #6 o-rings slipped into one of the stands holes provides a very nice looking & functional holder for brush, e-pick , and stir tool . I also have been looking for a more cosmetically appealing heat grip for the stems . The clear cut piece of silicone tube provided is adequate and functions well for its purpose . The problem with using tubing is its next to impossible to get a strait line with it on its cut edges . I tried making my own sleeves using silicone tubing and heat shrink , I taped off strait lines and followed them with a razor blade. These were a little better looking ,but still not very appealing . I finally came across these little silicone rings sold for ego battery's and tanks . The size of these is OD=16mm, ID=13mm, and height 9mm . They fit stems and Gongs perfect , I find that 3 of them stacked works best . They go on easy and come off easy , but have a very secure hold . They feel great in hand , and there machined tapered cut edges provide a very uniform professional looking fit .
I am probably in the OCD anal minority here , but Andy if you see this I wonder how hard it would be to get these made with the EPIC logo on them ? I think it would be cool to buy maybe a 3 ,6 or 9 pack of different colors , and buy multiples to mix and match colors . Maybe the forum could even come up with other nano specific terms to put on the rings . The printing part of it can't be to difficult since my local e-cig store has there shop name printed on these . The printing has also been very strong against iso and other solvents as I have tried to wipe the print of the ones I already have .
Now that I have a nano I am just floored by the craftsmanship , everything is machined and made to such perfect tight standards . The accessory's are no exception either . For $30 my stand is a solid piece of aluminum with flawless rounded machined corners and blemish free anodizing job , If this was a part for my car it would probably be at least $100 . Everything is just high quality from the well thought out e-pick to the nice thick glass pieces , even the dial is perfect with its inside joke . My only complaint with everything so damn perfect is the stock stem sleeves which is just my OCD . I did month's of research before I bought my nano , I could have got anything . For various reasons I picked this over vapes 3 times the cost and I am glad I did ,
Wow , I just went on the the epic site to check things out , and to my surprise I see the new silicone stem guard's !!! I just wanted some printed logos, but damn Epic went all out , heat sinks , glow in the dark , and logo's

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