The nano came this weekend! 2 day delivery and is beautiful! Still trying to figure it out. I guess my biggest problem is with my herb blowing out of the gong when I remove the nano to clear my piece. I have a d020d bubbler and prefer to use it but find it awkward to hit/clear. I have a much easier time with my larger weedstar bong.
I think I have calligulas 2 hit technique down for smaller loads. Still playing with the basket depth and load sizes for larger sessions. Burnt my finger once on the glass trying to adjust the silicone sleeve right after a hit.
I'm a bit apprehensive about leaving my unit on all day on weekdays when I'm at work. Especially since I came home from the gym last night and noticed it had fallen/got knocked off my coffee table.
Continuing reading through the thread. At page 180ish right now.
I did notice that some people had really nice aromatherapy cups with handles. I tried looking around and saw the Underdog cups but they don't have a handle. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You have to take the GonG out of the pipe before you stop drawing. I use my Pinky and pull the nano and the Gong off in one piece, clear, then replace and remove the nano from the GonG.
Pretty much this. I use my Enano with the D020d. The only thing I do different is I pull the hold the Enano with my left hand and hold the GonG in place. Pull the Enano off the GonG with my right hand, slide the GonG up but not all the way out with my left and pull it off the rest of the way with my free hand once I set the Enano down. As Uzer mentions later in the responses, I also have the silicone folded down a bit, which helps me with that flashy little move.
I do not leave my Enano on when I leave the house. I figure if I'm going to turn it down at the end of a session, I may as well just shut it off. It's not like it takes forever to warm up again, I can go pee and get a drink and it'll be ready and waiting.