..The problem I think is with international couriers. My package lost tracking since 9 of December in Chicago and USPS don't give me any info about it...
I had four packages sent from Black Friday sales. I got a few goodies, and about 6 of my friends got an omni/woody of sorts too.
Most of the packages were sent to a friend in the states while he was there - all of which I've got already
Unfortunately, the very first package was sent directly to me here, in Israel. It also left Chicago - on 7'th of December, and also hasn't arrived yet! So I feel you pain

I've been checking my mail box almost daily..
USPS won't show any tracking after they've left USA - that's normal.
I went into the post office about a week ago, and they said that customs here are overloaded due to Black Friday, and they can take up to a month. I hope they don't check out the package (they'll probably want to keep what's inside) and that it's just in a neglected pile waiting to process through there. I'm still being optimistic...
What I am sure about is that all other packages I've already received were packaged and sent with love, and I'm sure the one I'm waiting for was too. I'm giving it another week or two before I seek the grace of the DynaLords. Either way, I'm sure there will be solution and all will be good in the universe.
In the meantime, other issues have come up in life to distract me enough from obsessively checking the mail. I Never thought paediatric cardiology would occupy my mind so much

Trying to stay optimistic though, and hope all will be good in the universe again..