Well-Known Member
I've been using my pyrova and enjoying it when I get it to work right. Sometimes it doesn't wick the juice properly - I think i may need to trim down the outer washer at the bottom of the juice reservoir. Other times the cap doesnt click before the juice boils too hot and makes a bubbling noise (although I may need to clean the thing as I took to using the bottom wick as a sort of drip/soak/heat style technique and overfilling might have caused a small amount of juice to be sucked up through the tube in centre). I still use my other 2 e-cig setups but like to switch this into the mix now and again as I can quite often get the feel of it and get a very enjoyable experience with plenty of nice sized clouds when necessary. The whole formfactor of this is imo a massive draw factor (especially for me) The only downside is plenty of friends refer to it as my "crackpipe for liquid juice"..