My name's Haiden and I recently received $3,000 from my institution (Wentworth Institute of Tech.) to design & develop a premium, portable and dual-use / dual-chamber (concentrate & flower) vaporizer for medical cannabis patients.
I am in the final stretch of my senior year to receive a Bachelors in Industrial or Product Design. Fortunately, I am also pursuing this as my senior thesis topic as well. So basically, my school is paying for, evaluating, facilitating and mentoring me along this incredible journey of design in a subject i'm deeply passionate about.
I pitched the concept (which I won't go into too much detail for IP reasons) at our college's fairly new startup accelerate program. Since i'm the Founder and CEO of the company, I pitched to a panel of industry professional judges, similar to shark tank, for hope of approval and receiving the $3,000 our team asked for so we could design and develop our prototype. It was the riskiest pitch and most controversial the program has ever seen, and the first cannabis related thesis topic the school has ever approved. Wentworth is notorious for being very conservative. They loved it.
Our team consists of myself, a second industrial designer, an electro-mechanical engineer (who is also pursuing this topic as his senior thesis for the next 6 months) and an MBA in business who is a patient and has 10 years in the business & financial industry.
So, why am I sharing this?
I felt it necessary to share, even if from my lens, how much of a visceral change is occurring in the perception of cannabis. If an institution, who deals with busting students constantly for cannabis, and who's job it is to actively stop the promotion of it's use, can acknowledge the power of design in the medical cannabis and how much stigma can be lessened, I think it's a great sign for the rest of the typically conservative industry. We are pushing the development of a product of a much higher level of quality currently seen on the market, and that is necessary for change of perception.
That's not the only reason I share this short story, I share it because I want feedback from you guys. We have a very qualified team, with time to dedicate to a really fantastic vaporizer. The more input we can receive from the world of users and experienced vaporents, the better. I thought building a relationship this way to start would be the way to go. (I'm a bit of a noob here.)
Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for reading.
-Haiden G.
I am in the final stretch of my senior year to receive a Bachelors in Industrial or Product Design. Fortunately, I am also pursuing this as my senior thesis topic as well. So basically, my school is paying for, evaluating, facilitating and mentoring me along this incredible journey of design in a subject i'm deeply passionate about.
I pitched the concept (which I won't go into too much detail for IP reasons) at our college's fairly new startup accelerate program. Since i'm the Founder and CEO of the company, I pitched to a panel of industry professional judges, similar to shark tank, for hope of approval and receiving the $3,000 our team asked for so we could design and develop our prototype. It was the riskiest pitch and most controversial the program has ever seen, and the first cannabis related thesis topic the school has ever approved. Wentworth is notorious for being very conservative. They loved it.
Our team consists of myself, a second industrial designer, an electro-mechanical engineer (who is also pursuing this topic as his senior thesis for the next 6 months) and an MBA in business who is a patient and has 10 years in the business & financial industry.
So, why am I sharing this?
I felt it necessary to share, even if from my lens, how much of a visceral change is occurring in the perception of cannabis. If an institution, who deals with busting students constantly for cannabis, and who's job it is to actively stop the promotion of it's use, can acknowledge the power of design in the medical cannabis and how much stigma can be lessened, I think it's a great sign for the rest of the typically conservative industry. We are pushing the development of a product of a much higher level of quality currently seen on the market, and that is necessary for change of perception.
That's not the only reason I share this short story, I share it because I want feedback from you guys. We have a very qualified team, with time to dedicate to a really fantastic vaporizer. The more input we can receive from the world of users and experienced vaporents, the better. I thought building a relationship this way to start would be the way to go. (I'm a bit of a noob here.)
Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for reading.

-Haiden G.