Good morning!
Don't worry, i'm not at risk to even be tempted to put my weed in a microwave oven really!
I knew i'd probably want to experiment with gardening last spring when it became clear that i was moving to a small country-side town where there are no "contacts" for me to call... This means
i only have access to live cannabis buds which i must harvest myself when i feel it's time.
The paper you refered me to sort of appears to be an argument in favour of
limited intervention, so to speak. Today i understand that my 1st attempt to "cure" fresh nuggets in the HerbalAire's crucible, when its heater is still on (...), euh... Well, it sure was a gross mistake but i couldn't cope with this particular issue more suitably at the time because i'm not just gardening after all: this hobby embraces activities which can keep one quite busy (and "buzzy" too!)... For example, trying to do some nice macro-photography with a 100 $ Kodak is almost a science. Catching THE feature of the day may require to go through dozens of snapshots before a valid candidate image can be found (unless a professional photographer is hired, that is!)...
You see, i mean newbie vaporists like me need to become their own gurus sometimes - so, there are consequences. In theory practically all the information i might need happens to be found out there, if i search hard and long enough, but real life necessities interfere on occasions... The subject of vaporizers alone sufficed to keep me on my toes for a while and i've found that self-cultivation proves to be equally involving. Too bad i didn't learn everything i needed to know
before i started!
Yet here i am with a 3rd plant growing a batch of nice cannabis nuggets and i also got some freshly harvested buds in a Mason jar besides. Quite frankly, i'll be candid and confess that i didn't even care to verify in my HA manual in case it explained anything about "curing", actually (euh... but i bet it doesn't anyway, right)?... All i knew after i cut some green was that i wanted to "sample" it on the spot! To make sure...
long-term drying and there's
accelerated drying, other than that i fail to grasp what it means to "cure" properly under the present circumstances. My trees are less than twenty inches high, harvesting dwarf autofems only produces relatively small amounts of weed but i find it rather convenient because two weeks seperated each germination, almost making continuous self-supply a reality (10 days instead of 14 would seem more appropriate so far). In any case, about my suggestion to the effect that the lower temperature limit of a vaporizer should reach as low as 40 C (104 F), it IS related to "accelerated curing": in my mind having the additional option to consume fresh buds quickly would be an asset, not a defect.
I feel like, with the benefit of vaporization, i can grow weed which provides quality experience that nearly compares to whatever used to be possible when i was still buying on the street. The kitchen oven technique worked sufficiently well for me, a few days later the remaining buds still loose some water (slowly) in my Mason jar and i can tell they've gained potency too except i can forget the "Couch-Lock" effect since that weed is Sativa-dominant and its THC concentration doesn't qualify as that of a "bomb" (i self-cultivate behind a window with no artificial light sources, after all)...
It's great to have the choice over which strain i wish to consume, the way i see it the weed in my Mason jar won't get older than 7 to 10 days after each harvest and i bought a trio of them in case i'd need to start "rotating". So yes, i guess i'm trying to deal with fresh (uncured) material, exactly!