mrfloopa said:#the drama on here,I've had my experiences with somebody in this thread before.
I hear (or read on here, actually) that leaving out weed oxidizes THC into CBDs or CBNs. But then I also hear that you should leave your weed out overnight or so to dry it. Doesn't that mean more THC would be oxidized? If THC does oxidize into compounds with higher boiling points, would drying it really be recommended for a fixed temp vape (like a log vape) that might not be able to heat up enough to get everything in the herb?
Yes, more THC would be oxidized into CBD's, CBN's, and who knows what else. Which is good because its THC that is naturally a throat irritant, its THC that is the psychoactive chemical in the plant, its THC that impairs the short term memory. So thats why I think people like to cure and dry there weed well for vaporizing. Because most of us are vaping 1-? times a a day and want to negate all the side effects of the plant. And most will agree, the more you cure and dry the bud the more time for the ratios to balance and the carcinogens to lessen. About the log vapes not being able to reach the temp, well the general consensus plus lwien will all agree that log vapes hit the best with very dry herb. So some of the science must be wrong. I think either the fact that THC does indeed even turn into CBD/CBN at all, or the fact that THC/CBD/CBN all vape at differnt temps, is wrong. Who knows, I'm starting to think vaping gets everything smoking does besides the tar, and the actual chemicals that would be created by the fire. Cant wait for real studies to be done!