An interesting part of an article.
At present there’s a debate in the US as to the correct limit of THC for safe driving - if there is such a thing. Weed advocates believe it’s important to arrive at good guidelines, because there are also states considering decriminalization, and there’s a danger that if a bill allowing the driver to be moderately high while driving does go through, it will be with the still-incorrect THC limit of 5 nanograms per milliliter. Illinois is one of 11 states currently considering decriminalization while behind the wheel.
There continues to be a nationwide push in the US to make pot available to the public in one form or another, and lawmakers are scrambling to write new bills to deal with the issue. So far, only four states have legalized weed for recreational use - Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Alaska. And there are 24 that allow it for medical use, many of which such as Illinois and DC are considering the switch to recreational use as well.
"It's an attempt to try to do an apples-to-apples comparison with blood alcohol concentration," Marijuana Policy Project senior legislative analyst Chris Lindsey told the Chicago Tribune, adding that this only backs up earlier research that THC levels are not an adequate marker.
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Germany to legalize medical marijuana
Also problematic is that THC levels have a tendency to drop quickly, and it takes a couple of hours to administer a blood test. But the bigger issue here is that regular users exhibit higher continuous levels than less regular ones - meaning some people will always be guiltier.
Most of us would fall in the guiltier category.
So I know WA has their 5ng blood limit (is that testing delta-9 or delta-11?), which didn't really account for body mass, tolerance and didn't seen to include any other cannabinoids say like CBD? A known THC down-modulator
Even in my youth, we'd blaze up some Thai stick, perhaps with the pinners dipped in honey oil... 1st thing I wanted to do was go take a shower (yeah, you know, just feels GOOD), know that I didn't reak of it now, visine in the eyes, brush teeth and tongue and perhaps an Altoid

I wasn't real comfortable driving after medicating (hah, we didn't call it that then!), but could easily drive around, I was just scanning the horizon and rear-view mirror for those familiar with front and top light pattern matching to ID various police cruisers of the day.
Distractibility in the drivers seat is a pretty big problem... they don't recommending using any of the texing functions using the voice to text, text to voice engines as it engages parts of the brain that that slow it down and affect your reaction time. I don't know if the jury's in on singing in the car, but I hope that only shows minimal effects, as I've sung all kinds of stuff in the car (with and without harmonizing friends), my friend and I have conducted many pieces of music while we listen to the score
Folks seem to now be taking a dim view the 5nl test from WA. AAA has weighed in (can't find the link), their opinion is that the 5nl test was meaningless, and something common sense shouldn't have dictated...
But a big guy like me, who hasn't taken a cannabis holiday away in at least 4 months (and tolerance levels would reflect that!) would almost definitely show a vastly broader array of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavanoids; I'm sure my circulating levels are pretty high, but honestly that just to bring the 'noise' level down in my system. A holiday would be nice, would help reset the endocannibinoid system and I could state using around 1/4 the amount previously used and the whole process begins again!
If I do go out to drive (w/specific direction), I try to make sure how long it will be from when I medicate to where I have to deal with medical stuff (or gasp, get stopped by a cop). And arrange my day accordingly.
Even after making an AC/DC decoction (20% CBD 0.74% THC), I still find the benefit and using THAT to go out in public, seeing as they don't seem to be paying attention to CBD. I love it 'cause it's benefiting me making me feel better, making me less anxious, in turn helps with depression... and I feel completely call and unimpaired. Then I feel confident to go out and drive, but I still don't enjoy it.