From the cannabis news thread to here.
Unfortunately, some if not many of us in this forum may have 5 nanograms of THC in our bloodstream when we wake up in the morning...
For anyone like myself working, mixing a stressful job/ chill/winding down after work scenario I offer my thoughts and advice after living through work/ roadside swab testing for a number of years.
Anxiety caused by worry re: roadside or work swab tests can eat you up, making You tired,erratic and angry towards work managers,employers government and police who administer a testing policy that appears cruel and invasive to our personal rights ..been there,no fun and most of it is avoidable.
Insurance companies backed by big banking are pushing through this random testing malarky worldwide under the guise of ensuring safety on our roads and workplace,thus ensuring another loophole so they don't have to pay out.It may have been 6 or 8 hours since you're last doob or vape and You may feel perfect to drive.Sadly if the law or you're Work safety team find traces show up on a swab test You are in the shit without a paddle.With work,last guy I know got 3 weeks suspension from work.Work are deducting his wages from his sick allowance and that doesn t include the public embarrassment of it all.Everyone finds out about it and some even joke about him behind his back.a positive at a police stop leads to Infringements,confiscation of your licence (a year) and the oppressive nature of the legal system courtrooms etc.Police will then pull You over much more using there number plate tracking onboard their vehicles and generally make life hard for You.
I struggled with the ethics of this in the beginning...In Australia,work swab testing and police random swab testing have been commonplace for a number of years.a swab test takes 15 minutes or so to conduct and sometimes that time isn't always available to traffic cops,bear that in mind.
There are things You can do to limit your chances of a positive the following day after consuming.
Drink lots of water, lots and lots.Wash your teeth gums and tongue under and over rigorously and rinse with salt or mouthwash solutions.
White vinegar prior to an oral swab may help to clear any traces of any substance in you're mouth also.carry a small bottle in your glovebox and administer if needed.bicarbonate of soda and coconut oil pulling also help o keep you're mouth clean.
local workers I know recommend a 10 hour gap before driving...if you're work shift starts at 6Am, stop consuming at 8PM the previous evening.If You blaze before work .there really isn t any advice You will listen too anyway.
10 hours....

Is the cutoff for myself and others I know who are doing the daily work grind and then home to pastures green.
Being responsible, Put work first, pay you're rent yadda, a good boy Johnny and keep your get out of jail free card.If You're a medical patient that's an entirely different scenario.
Current Oral tests are notoriously unreliable and give false positives.There are countless cases from drivers here who test positive after eating a cereal bar or are on cold remedy medication which will trigger a positive.That flu remedy could mean a world of pain for someone who has had a toke the previous evening.
Companies/law enforcement have a directive regarding policy.Youre thoughts on the subject probably won't be listened too.Whoever is dealing with Your case will be more interested in moving your case forward and concerned more with the endless reams of paperwork they have to get through.
They are working on a breathalyser which will hopefully be more reliable and available soon.
I hope our future once testing catches up with worldwide policy will be to test for the previous 2 hours or so like alcohol which will be fine by me..I choose not to drive at weekends when I consume and I leave that 10 hour gap before work.
Avoid common roadside test areas.they set up in usually the same areas daily.
Most of all don't worry about it until it happens and it may never happen