Sorry!I wish I could. My better half actually prefers me to drive instead of herself, yet she knows I was just vaping because she was yelling at me to hurry up so we could leave. My better half does not partake and does not care that I do unless its one of those times that it becomes an inconvenience to her. She knows me all to well and feels completely confident in my ability to drive whilst medicated.
When I was pulled over the other week, the police officer could smell something suspicious in my car so he ask and I was honest. He knew how long ago I had vaped and was aware that I might still be under the effects. He made me do a field sobriety test which was rather embarrassing for me only because my anxiety shot through the roof and made it so that I could barely stand on my own two feet without shaking out of my shoes. I thought I did horrible on the start of the first two portions of the 3 part field test due to the extreme flare up of anxiety I was having, however the 2 officers felt I was fine to drive the rest of my way home.
I know what works for me, but that doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean it will work for others.
Oh, and UBER is not everywhere so to many it is not an option. Neither is public transportation for my commute.
I did not want to be insensitive!
UBER where I live is very popular.
It's not an option for many!
Again sorry if I offend.