Well-Known Member
Yeah man....put a cow catcher on the front of that thing and get out there!!I haven't driven in just over a year. Does being high on my power chair at 6 mph count? I could fuck some shit up with that thing.

I disagree with your portreyal of driving being in the same league as jet flying or any other high responsibility task which required 12+ hours free of all substances.
4. WRT to driving while intoxicated on cannabis, I posted earlier that most of us wouldn't want the pilot of our A-300 or our surgeon to be intoxicated on cannabis or any other damn thing else, whether they think it makes them better pilots and Dr.s or not. The response I got was that driving was not flying an A-300. True. But you may feel that driving still needs the same level of sobriety, caution and skill after an intoxicated driver t-bones your teenage daughter in traffic. Piloting an aircraft...performing, driving is not as demanding of an activity as that...but it does demand attention, situational awareness, alacrity in cognition and reactions, etc...none of which are enhanced by any intoxicant IMO...and the consequences failure is often as devastating.
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