Vape swap shop
So hi there, im one of the lucky ones that could test some Prototype glows from @Dreamwood now that the final Product is aviable i would love to share some insides with you:
First off the Glow is a full convection 510 atty Vaporizer that works with a coil in the Base and than has a Wooden Body, all is custom made beside the Coils. The Vaporizer works with every 510 battery that has at least 50W but i would suggest an 70W to be sure not to use the battery at their limit. The Base is custom made for @Dreamwood and in the first Batch the Woodwork is handmade by dreamwood and there are still some aviable at greendream.shop
So the principe is simple but it was a long way to go until the Product was perfect. The Base is fully customizable, it comes with a dual kanthal Coil but its up to you at the end what you like to use. But we found out that a dual coil at around 0.7 ohm is the best way to go.
I use the Glow at 46W and can vape thru the bowl in 2-3 hits, absolutly 0 combustion and pure taste.
There are two versions aviable,
the first one is the 14mm one, it has a bowl in the atty and takes about 0.15g of herb
the second one is the 18mm version, great for bong users with bowl in the mouthpiece and takes about 0.2-0.25g
If you have any questions feel free to ask, i try to answer all. You can also find me on Instagram as Weedfande where i have a lot of pictures of the glow thru its evolution...
Hope i could bring some light into this Thread
Does the glow take a standard size of stem? Looks like something custom.