I have that very nail, and while it's not my fave (the banger from green buddah is),
it works fine. Never had a burnt hit or a puddle. I know some folks say to heat the "dish"
part, but I mostly heat the outside. It does lose heat quicker than other nails, but has no
problem delivering one dab at a time. Sorry, I don't have any tips, it sounds like you are
getting it plenty hot - no idea why it would leave puddles if it's that hot.
hey bud, i know i dnt PERSONALLY know u or havent even talked to you, but a lot of what u guys talk about interested me, so it got me to join! hahah anyways, i was hoping u might chime in bc i noticed in a thread u mentioned u had JUST bought that same nail! i think u actually might have helped me, i can atleat try... bd like u said, EVERY! says hit it STRAIGHT on in the middle and i swear i just DOESNT WORK that way at all.. so maybe i need to heat it up from the outside like u mentioned? bc ive just been wanting to get rid of it bc it make me mad after wasting dabs! lol bc i have a PERFECTLY fine non-ground joint 10mm banger from dabphilosophy on my 1 expensive piece i have bc i WON it!

Won it off FB! was pretty cool. but yeah, anyways, i LOVE my banger too, and i even have greenbuddhas quartz carb cap, which fits directly on the rim of the banger.. then i have the reg. domeless quartz nails that either have a male or female joint on em, and those 2 types of quartz nails r by far my favorite. i was pretty bummed w this daisy style 1. im not big on domes either, but i have a dabnflo HH for when i do feel like somethin a lil different. then last but not least, tom. should be getting my new vaoe 14/18mm domeless Ti. got it for 35$! thought that was a pretty good deal. its the version 2 also, w the couple heat rings.. ill have to give heating the outside up a try i guess...