This was brought up in another thread and thought it might be something to discuss.
I have had low back pain for years. I have degenerative arthritis and spinal stenosis. It triggers sciatica, I've gone to orthopedic surgeons and a neurologist. I have had several steroid shots to the base of the spine and have had ex rays MRIs and other testing such as bone density test.
I have had physical therapy and that is just one more tool. Once you have been given the excersizes it's really up to you.
I find that the chiropractor helps me most of the time. I go in for 2 or 3 visits and I'm back to normal. I can't wait until it gets too bad or I become disabled. My chiropractor has seen all my testing and xrays, MRIs etc... I have been going to him for 12 years.
Once I did something to my neck and it felt like my head was too heavy to hold my head up and I had pain going down my arm. It started off like a kink in my neck and got worse. I used a towel around my neck to help hold my head up. I couldn't turn my head. I was off work for days. After 2 visit at the chiropractor and I was good to go.
Some folks have never gone to a chiropractor, I think you are really missing out. My brother has never gone to one and he won't go no matter what I tell him.
Thanks for starting this thread
@CarolKing I actually had the same idea after the comments on the E-nano thread. I think there are similarities between cannabis and chiropractic treatment in that they have both been demonized. I do believe in it but perhaps rather than tell you why, it is best to share my story (briefly anyway).
I have been having pretty serious back, neck and shoulder pain for about 10 years now. I grew up as one of those people that would only seek medical assistance if I had no choice. As such I never really sought out any help with my back pain until about the age of 33 (I'm 41 now). As some of you know I live in Asia in a place that is kind of China but isn't (I don't like to raise red flags by typing the name). At that point I had started making better money and my pain was becoming very bad. I went to a GP who told me I was getting old (fucking loser

). After that I didn't really know what to do so I figured massage would help me and I tried every conceivable form of massage. I then tried a Chinese bone setter (Google it!). I tried Chinese medicine. I tried acupuncture. Nothing helped and I wasted a great deal of time, money, energy and hope.
Eventually I found a chiropractor. Now that was quite a few years and quite a few chiropractors ago. But it helped. It really did. I saw this guys pretty intensely, say 3 times a week for a month and then eventually reduced that to twice a week and then once a week. Now although this guy helped me tremendously he was a prick. His main motivation was money and he wasted a lot of my time and money. Some visits were very fast and he seemed to pay little attention and did not communicate. I eventually had an argument with him and stopped seeing him. At the time I had also taken up swimming, changed my diet and lost a lot of weight. I enjoyed good health for a while but it was not long until I got worse. Since then I have seen a few different chiropractors without much success. I found one guy who was cheap and good but he is more of a quick fix than a long term solution kind of guy. You can't make an appointment so everytime you just have to wait. Since he is cheap his office is always packed. So I guess I got by, still have massages but more for muscle and general relaxation and saw the cheap chiro when I got really bad.
Last year I got considerably worse and was looking at possible surgery. I had mri's, x-rays, saw a couple of orthopedic surgeons. I even fly to Thailand to get all the tests done. At that stage I started having physiotherapy for quite a few months and got put on a whole bunch of muscle relaxants and painkillers (big mistake). I have been in more or less the same condition ever since. Last week I was referred back to a surgeon but I won't go. Actually, just this week I saw a new chiropractor. I have only seen him once but he was by far the best I have seen. He spent an hour with me and helped me considerably. I will go back and see him next week.
One thing I would say about chiropractors is that if you find a good one then you are blessed. Here in Asia being a chiropractor is a licence to print money and most of them act accordingly. They will always take advantage of new clients, sending them to their friend for an expensive x-ray. Then they will tell you to come 3 times a week for a month with no promise of any particular result. They will even offer you a nice discount if you pay for 12 months of treatment upfront. Fuckers. But they are not all like that. Some of them genuinely want to and can help people. I am hopeful that I have found such a person.
If anyone wants to ask me about any of the bizarre treatments I have submitted myself to then go ahead. Chance are if you are considering some unusual form of treatment then I have probably already given it a go