Well-Known Member
.................................................................................I do think that's not going to happen anytime soon with modern day snakeoil practices like acupuncture, homeopathy or chiropractice, simply due to these being studied quite enough to be able to say there are no significant, physical effects to be had from these.
That's quite a bold statement, to call acupuncture and chiro "snakeoil practices". But it's no more appropriate to label them as such than for folks to label all med MD's as pill ppushing, money grubbing SOBs.
A good Dr is comfortable pointing a patient to chiro work for some issues. They don't feel threatened.
A good Chiro is comfortable pointing a patient to a med Dr for some issues. They don't feel threatened.
The good ones realize "they aren't the only tool in the toolbox" and they strive to "recommend the right tool for the right job".
As I mentioned, the big teaching hospital here has a sub-division called "Alternative Medicine", recently name changed to "Integrated Medicine". Chiro, PT, acupuncture, etc. Thankfully they realize the value of non-traditional medicine.
Not to stereotype med Dr's but those that see chiro and acupuncture as snakeoil, tend to see medical cannabis as the same--- "snakeoil" or "a joke"............

A lot of education is needed

Note: a bad chiro would be of the philosophy--- they can fix everything, no need to ever see a med Dr, etc. They should use the entire toolbox too!