... so educational ... and not cheap. The way I used to justify the flow of vape gadgets was by comparing to two packs of cigarettes a day. Easily $300 a month. But after 5 years of not smoking, not even vaping nicotine, I've decided I'm out of excuses, I've run out of lies. No more !
I think I missed the point of this post, so that means you're saying you have no more valid reasons to buy new mods / vape gear?
My justification used to be, that I would sell all my older / obsolete / unused vape pens & mods to my friends, since they would come to me asking, since I would be known for hoarding vape stuff. But I have gotten rid of nearly all my unused pens and mods, I was selling 1 old one and buying 2 new

My fleet is pretty much all up-to-date and current and it would be a stretch to justify another.
Time for a tactical pause on purchases for me...
@OF, But drat, EVERYTHING only costs a little, and it mysteriously adds up. But what is more important?
Most convincing of all is
@Vape Donkey 650 's rational rationale. Keep a separate strain loaded in each one. And a TC mod with each one. And scatter them around the house like Easter Eggs. But don't you end up with a gummed up donut, and have to clean it anyway?
That was my reason for a short while, but I'm beyond that now.

The donuts get gunked up for sure, but that will happen anyways if you're not completely cleaning off the donut after every few re-loads. My idea is to reward some work (pre-loading donuts) but maybe I'm also a bit lazy on the cleaning, or a little more tolerant of crust than others. Of my current fleet of 12 mods with 2.5s, only 2 can really use a cleaning, as you might see with my last donut p0rn.
But the hard work of pre-loading, can be time consuming. 2 days ago i spend a good 20+ minutes loading 7 or 8 attys, I try to be precise in loading the deep bowls and scraping away what reclaim I could. I may not use some of them for days then. But my lust for on-demand variety of strains justifies this I guess. Spreading the use around stretches out needing to clean them so often too
I'm trying a different approach, I'll grant you it's not quite as Instant Reward as VD's. And that's to only load enough for the session, and burn off any reside so you're ready for the next sess. And this way you scatter little jars all over the house and you visit each station with your device in hand.
At $10 each an intermediate way is possible: keep loaded donuts scattered, and only carry the more expensive mod with you.
And last but not least the Couch Lock Economy method. Don't move at all, just stay put, and keep your mod, a 2.5 with a water tool, your stash and bottles of gatorade by the couch. If the dread urge to wander should rear its head, just vape some more of an Indica Shatter.
Instant reward, that's a fair label for my practices.

I can't claim that my way is the only right way to donut, or that you're doing it wrong. These little things are pretty adaptable to each user's preferences.
Scattering donuts around rather than mods could work, but the problem of your mod mis-reading base Ω could be an issue, especially if the donuts you scatter around have base Ω's of 0.72, 0.75, 0.77, 0.74, and 0.79, for example. The same mod can confuse which one it's seeing, and force the 0.74 to read at 0.77, which can require extra effort to override.
What's the difference between 0.74 and 0.77 one may ask? Well, in TCR mode, it could be 30-40F using the same settings, if your mod isn't seeing it right. That's enough to make the difference between a strong hit or a weak, wispy hit that mostly wastes your load by underheating it and melting it to seep beneath the donut cup

I've been there, very annoying. Wastes my effort and hash. Only 2 solutions to Ω creep I've found: plug in another atty that has a Ω of 0.1 or more, or re-flash the firmware

Having to do that to get the perfect vape you want each time you plug in a different donut, not convenient.
I wish my joyetech mods were not "remembering" and storing recent atomizers Ωs, bothering me more than helping. Last one I had that
didn't do this I think was the big ol' Evic VT. I'm not sure if my eleaf pico's are doing this too
The fact that most mods I have set up with a 2.5 donut costs about the same or less than a gram of premium concentrate helped convince me to get where I am now instead of dealing with the above.
But you'd don't have to go overboard and be gluttonous like me.

If you've got another hundred or so bucks to spend, you can have 3-4 mods in your possession with their own 2.5/2.7, 1-2 for indica/sativa/other, and not have to change atomizers that much.

Damn... that's the plug... more reason to splurge!