My posts aren't long. Your guys' 8 posts that I'm quoting are
one year later and my primo is now getting this issue. I've been tightening but even that is not working so well any other tips? replace the screw maybe?
I have 3 primo minis, and I've run into issues with battery limitations and poor battery performance on them. On this mod, you need a stronger, higher amp CDR battery to push the same or lesser watts / amps than you would draw on a more efficient mod like an evic or a pico.
I've screwed the screws in tight. It helped a little. Basically, you can put the strongest, freshest battery you can put in your primo mini, lower the max watts to your atomizer a little. Install AF if you haven't already, it will give you a little more control.
But when it come down to it, the primo mini is very battery limited, it will say "battery low" and refuse to fire your atty sooner, with more volts on your charge, compared to other mods. You can't get around it, it has poor discharge capabilities. If you have other mods and attys, swap your least battery-demanding atty to the primo mini.
It's a cute mod with a nice form, button, TC, etc, besides that. Too bad the bad battery performance ruins it.
Can you please direct me to where I can read about and get AF (for the QQ)?
Is this firmware for specific Joyetech mods? With software for Windows? mac?
I see the original little Pico is getting scarce, that fatter one's extra capacity is unnecessary and the result is a less pocketable and toadyer mod. What's newer and available that's no worse, maybe better?
It looks like nobody has come close to beating the Pico's size and handiness, unless you go the eGo style. Any good at least Wattage-adjustable ones in eGo format to use with carts?
I will lead a fern directly to water. Will he drink?
Arcticfox latest release
NFE tools latest release
Download the .bin file for AF, and download the NFE tools program. Unzip and install the NFE program. Run the ntoolbox, it allows you to flash the .bin file to your mod to install the software, and other tools in the program let you configure the options on your mod and atomizer profiles. Most but not all options can be set from the mod, without the computer program. You don't need to set most of the other mod options if you don't want to get too deep to start, just set up atomizer profiles to start.
I can install AF on a new mod, set up my preferences and a few atomizer profiles in 3-5 minutes, although this is a well-worn exercise for me. You shouldn't have much difficulty if you're computer & mod literate, although you may find it amusing to browse through all the tabs & options AF offers you on the PC client.
Hopefully you have a PC or can use one for this, but there's a buggy mac version if you're down for a little 3rd party-on-3rd party action.
I'll also repeat my recommendation of the eleaf invoke. Pico size, smaller weight, more battery, more screen. It's a huge hit with the e-cig folks apparently, and
@looney2nz and
@Bad Ocelot seem to love theirs too. But either this one or that rustic, dated pico can run AF for you.
Worth mentioning that pulsing the vapor through a water
tool the terpene blend had a nice flavor. Using the pen,
they claim 100 "doses", without a water filtration unit in
public would be very harsh, it's too high a wattage, too hot,
too much, at least with the battery new.
Here's the image with a different linking
I think it should be noted, that no matter how clean, pure, terpy and therapeutic the oil in your pen is, when it is heated to temps in excess of
500F, especially with porous silica heaters & cotton wicks, that clean oil is gonna start to taste like crap fairly soon, and passing subsequent hits through that dirty coil aren't going to taste any better. The coils that touch your oil in those little un-regulated pens like that, draw or button-fired, routinely get that hot. Terpenes aren't very medicinal when you combust them. People pulse the button, and try to take short puffs, but that's like playing russian roulette. All of this tomfoolery can easily be avoided by plugging that 510 cart into a TC mod that goes up to 1.5 ohm. There's plenty of them. (and a few small carts that will TC too)
Also fern, if you were looking for good, clean brands of
oil with the original, strain specific terps in it, i would also submit:
gold drop 
jetty extracts 
bakked brand 
americanna (now defunct i think?)
I've been filling my tanks mostly with these recently, and they all have real, strain-specific terps from the same flowers the thc comes from. And it actually tastes like the strain does! I've had flowers and other forms of concentrate of strains I've tried in a syringe, and it's reassuring & satisfying when durban poison & GG4 tastes the same in a tank as it does in a saucy blob on my quartz cup, or on my flower bowl.
But I can only vouch for the oil quality though! I don't use their pre-filled tanks, which are more numerous, and I would only expect quick thermolysis degradation on any of these carts with a non-temp regulated battery if I hit it the way I like to. (heartily)
These are some of the few brands I can find applicators and syringes recently, so I'm limited. There are more choices for quality oil if you're open to pre-fills, which is nearly everyone except me. I've heard good stuff about stizzy & honey vape as well. Maybe you can find some of those diesely strains that give you that magical spinal tap amongst these choices?