Vape Donkey 650
All vape, no smoke please.
I don't think AF could outperform DNA chipsets because the hardware on target devices is not as good (the ADC most notably)
So let me ask you KZ, if I can plug in my humble old cuboid to my pc and observe this through the AF device monitor, and see what I would describe as pretty much 'perfect' TC performance and stability, and also enjoy vape output that certainly feels like it matches this numerical nirvana.... it because the hardware and sensors on the joye-leaf-smec mods are cheaper and not as high-end as on DNA it the case that these pretty, smooth charts aren't truly as accurate and reflective of actual mod performance as they seem, because they are derived from the said, inferior hardware and sensors of these brands' mod boxes?

Anyways, if we would presume that the data represented in the AF device monitor is accurate, I don't see how this could be better? My calculated temps never actually go over protection, but seems to hover about 1-3F just under the target, with a nice, smooth ramp-up / ramp down and stability of watts output too. This is just TCR mode with PI control, which is so easy to set up, but whether you use TFR, replay or a boost/preheat curve, I don't know what more there is to want here?

This is the coil whose output is shown above... quad 7mm donuts (the default, low-resistance kind) so it's not the most standard of builds. It was working fine before I tuned in the PI controller as well. Temp spikes of 10F aren't the worst if you can limit the max temps within ballpark range of your goals. It does seem to puff a little smoother with the PI controller tuned in though...
900, 40 are the #'s for that smooth curve. Pretty close to the 900, 20 that works well on a single donut on V3 atty. I found that for each donut you add in parallel, adding about another 10 on the D helps keep the ramp-up quick with no / minimal temp overshoot

And it's a tank I use with gold drop distillate (tangie) which has so much flavor I even "dilute" it with raw distillate a little bit

Sigh...I wish DT would make a tank for everyone to use (not a DIY build) with alumina heaters... no one else wants to!

@Vape Donkey 650 Yea the AF is a great project! I don't doubt that it can or eventually could outperform the DNA chips; I just haven't had much experience using AF myself. The open source aspect of it is where it shines; constant improvements that aren't specific to new hardware releases.
Using Replay, the cup seems to be fairly stable; I don't get hits hotter than I want, regardless of how long I hold it (but I am using a time-defined cutoff for safety), but I'm starting at a low temp in the first place, so even if it is getting hotter it likely would reach the cutoff before getting hot n hurdy with my setup. I also haven't done any temperature testing with a gun or thermocouple, so I have zero quantitative data on that. I don't think it's too important that it maintains a max temp when holding for a long period; I think the most important thing is that you get a consistent output from the device so you can fine-tune your technique to get your ideal experience. I see no reason an equally enjoyable and consistent experience can't be achieved with AF or any other TCR solution.
I'm fairly certain the DNA chips do not have PID control. For more detailed info on Replay and other things, you might want to check out their official forum - The users that have much more experience with and knowledge of the DNA chips than I do, and might be able to give better answers.
I checked out the evolv forums and tried a few searches...couldn't really find much solid info about replay mode or how it works. Mostly found lots of users' posted replays.

That's too bad the evolv software doesn't have PID / PI control.

@Vape Donkey 650 : yes. I'll have to do the thermocouple in oil, one of these days.
The rig is working OK as it is.
The gun's E is set to 85, the last time I calibrated with a thermocouple that seemed like a usable compromise setting.
I'm held together with rubber bands. Blood pressure meds, prostate meds, anti-inflammatories, a dozen supplements including Nootropics, etc etc etc. Etc. So I make improvements gradually, aiming for the long haul, and I need what's left of my head.
I'd given up on cannabis several times, long story, this time it's looking far more promising. In addition to clean concentrates, we can get relatively high purity D9-THC, D8-THC, CBD, terpenes, and the QQ is good enough to vape test mixes of the components.
On the Pico, with a fully zen reverent attitude, and attention to detail, it's surprisingly stable with the QQ. I dream of truly correct temp control at the cup, but I think it would require more sensors. Has anyone seen a TC setup with e.g. a thermocouple feedback input?
The 25 watts ramp-up was a bit low, 30 is good. What I'm aiming for is minimal overshoot, I'd rather wait a few seconds more. After a few draws at temp, the residue tastes like dregs, it mops up like I'd expect, it's comparable to gently working a 4mm banger, so I think I'm getting the TC that I need.
Hey fern, I didn't know that you were being held together with rubber bands.

This new delta 8 stuff is interesting too..I saw a new "Δ8" extract from guild...totally clear and syrupy, 56% Δ8 and 7% Δ9... and 3% CBN... I saw it at sparc... I didn't buy it but sure curious.

That's cool if you like to use your QQ with minimal wattage levels. Since you really like to control the temp and avoid overshoots, and with the natural delay of the heat to transfer over from the rods to the cup to your oil load, the slower rate can help you observe and control this.
I like a max of 46.5w to start it up and help fetch a stout cloud on my QQ, but the power cycles around 15-30w as the coils reach protection...mostly around 20-25w, so you're fine limiting your watts that low if you're more patient than me.
There is no threaded / e-cig / 510-style connection for vapes that I know of that are anything more an a simple + / - current through the connector, nothing more, no provision for any other sensor or more data. If such a thing was made, it wouldn't be a 510 connector, and probably wouldn't be compatible with lots of existing hardware. Or at least the added functionality wouldn't be compatible.
There's a few "alternative" e-cig connector types that tried to gain popularity in years past but it seems they never caught on big.

SO, does anyone really know someone who REALLY knows flow dynamics and has been designing bridges that don't collapse in the
wind and all that, so we can get some more ideas?
It should be possible to have them make several GonGs with different hole and tubelet positions to try?
Good concept...I'm pretty sure that if we can get the angle of the little dual tubelets on the 18mm / 14mm male adapters to be lower like the single tubelets we have on our current QQ caps, that would help with the swirling pattern and splash-control.
But, with the apparent difficulty for Matt to get his suppliers to actually make these things, and then mass produce them in large quantities and also be of a decent quality and sturdiness, I think we may have to settle for what we can get!

But when we do get these caps..regardless of tube angle, I'm pretty sure it will be a improvement & upgrade over the performance of the stock glass cap when using with GonG attachments....

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