Well-Known Member
And finally... regarding TCR rates for donuts being straight or curved, IDK really, but from what I observed over alot of v2.5 bases, the Ω rise to achieve the same effects tended to be alot more on a high Ω base as opposed to a low Ω base. The high ones like 0.82 needed at least 0.33-0.36 rise to make the vape I liked. The low ones, like 0.68Ω, could rise as little as 0.29-0.32 to make vape that I like. I even got a couple flukishly low Ω bases like 0.55, 0.60Ω, that would only need to rise 0.15-0.20 to make my warmth with TCR 245!
So maybe if the rate is linear, maybe the slope of the line is different for different base Ω?
And maybe the rates are not perfectley linear, because of the heat transfer between metal to ceramic?IDK really but I'm just reading what all you guys are saying and trying to make sense
Careful here, TCR is based on the temperature of the heater, not the doughnut. It senses the metal, not the ceramic (which is sure to be cooler by Thermodynamics). That loss (heat wise) is going to change with temperature, no doubt being more at first (until the rest of the atty warms up, conduction will be greater) and radiation plays a bigger role as temperatures rise.
It's important, I think, to not keep thinking in terms of XX Ohms rise when trying to understand how TCR is used. It's not the absolute change in Ohms, but the relative change in percent. Two V3 attys at say .44 Ohms that go to .66 each have a rise of .22 Ohms. Put them in series and you have .88 Ohms going to 1.32? A rise of .44 Ohms. Twice the absolute value rise, but still the same percentage. Look at the formula for calculating the values in the reference I posted above, it's all based on ratios. A higher cold resistance means a higher increase for the same temperature rise measured in Ohms.
Yes, the slope of the line in such tings can and does change, but it remains a straight line. Linear. It's the way metals work generally. In the classic linear equation (y=ax+b) "a" is that slope (expressed in trig terms). To be specific, Tangent (or Cot depending on your perspective). What carpenters and Civil Engineers call 'rise over run' in their trades. Positive numbers rise going left to right, negative ones go down. Bigger absolute values are steeper rising or falling. But still a straight line (linear). In our case there is on 'b" (actually b is zero) since there is no offset (changes are relative).
If you want something non linear, like say how bright the sun is on different planets, you need 'second or higher order factors'. in this case, since light on a distant planet will depend on the SQUARE of the distance (light spreads 'two ways' as it expands out) and we start to drift into calculus and all that icky stuff with stuff like y=ax^2+bx+c and stuff sure to bore the guys in the cheap seats to tears.
At some point, past getting enough tools to control stuff, I think it's best enjoy the unit and not stress on technical terms. For myself I'm pretty confident I understand this, I've used and taught it for a lot of years. For instance, that's the standard way of measuring how hot transformer or motor windings get in use. You measure the change in resistance (cold to hot), convert to PPM (or percent), divide by the 'book number' for Copper and get degrees rise. You need to use relative change, not absolute.