Vape Donkey 650
All vape, no smoke please.
My JoyeTech Basic came a day early! (Gotta love ordering it Friday night and getting it Monday!). Current firmware version is 4.02, which is what mine came with. Battery was 90% charged and the time and date was set, though it was off by one day and an hour (from EDT). PC and Mac software is available on the JoyeTech web site. The (pdf) manual is available there too. I got it as a kit, including the Atty, because currently that's the only way it was available and I didn't want to wait. My girlfriend will probably use the Atty with e-juice; I haven't. I paid $40 for the kit but I suspect the mod alone will probably go for $25-$30 once it becomes commonly available.
Five Clicks turns it On and Off. Three Clicks (once powered On) puts it in main settings mode. Charging port is on the side, not the bottom, and it supports pass-through charging. It charges at ~ 1A.
30 second data screen timeout. A clock can be displayed (or not) when the data screen times out, and you can set how long the clock stays on. You can also independently have the clock as part of the data display while you're firing it.
The puffs (seconds) timer stays on longer now, long enough so that after a hit I can see how long it was. This little improvement is great and makes the puff timer actually useful...
Power Off settings:
Fire and Right (+) = TCR settings
Fire and Left (-) = Battery Voltage (not mentioned in the manual, hold for five seconds)
As with the eVic Mini, the same 20 clicks of the Fire button (when the unit is off) will bring up the current firmware version. Ignore the screen coming on after five clicks and keep on clicking until you get to 20 clicks, at which point the firmware version info will display.
Power On settings:
Fire and Right (+) = Clock On/Off/Timeout and Logo On/Off
Fire and Left (-) = Stealth Mode (not mentioned in the manual, hold for five seconds)
Right (+) and Left (-) = Key Lock On/Off (not mentioned in the manual, hold for five seconds)
There is no display rotate command that I've found. Yes, you can set the maximum initial wattage in TC mode.
I haven't had time to use/test it in TC mode with my DT Atty yet, but I expect it to work the same as the eVic Mini does, which is great, since the chip sets use pretty much the same logic. The eVic Mini is my goto mod when I use the DT Atty and I'm sure the Basic will be as well when I want the smaller package. I'll get to testing it with the DT Atty in TC mode tomorrow or the next day...
It's nice in the hand, much like the miniVolt is, and unlike the Artery. And it doesn't turn itself off after a while. The Fire button is a pretty soft touch with a physical and audible click; it's delicious. The regulatory buttons (what JoyeTech calls the plus and minus buttons) are recessed on the bottom of the mod and require a firm press. They are not as easy to use as buttons on the side would be due to their small size, recessed position, and strong spring. This doesn't much bother me as I generally only use them when I change Attys, and having the charge port on the side instead of the bottom makes much more sense to me. Maybe I would feel differently if I used the regulatory buttons a lot...
I'm liking it very much, and find it a great complement to its larger big brother, the eVic Mini (or the eVic Two Mini, if you're buying now). If you're a fan of the eVic Mini, you'll love the Basic. I got mine in black.
Hey, Wood, you beat me to it with your review.

I got my evic Basic in the metallic silver last week and I had a chance to have a couple of sessions on it with the good ol' DT donut, and it's TC performs exactly as well as any other current joyetech mod. I wasn't expecting anything less.

You can set any watt in any mode from 1-40w, more than enough power for us, enter 3 TCR values, and the TC feels just as smooth and responsive as it's bigger cousins. IDK why they're calling it basic, there's really nothing basic about it.

The cuboid mini had already been serving me admirably in this role for me for a few months, but the basic will now be purposed as my 'work' vape due to it's tiny size, taking the least space and weight in my pocket.

Here's the basic lined up against some comparable, small-sized mods. Lucky for me I got rid of all my artery nuggets

Can you still tell which is which?

I had to run an errand with some papers at the building dept. last week, and I had a long wait between the next task for the day @ werk... so I decided to treat myself with an iced cold brew coffee and my inaugural session with the basic eVic. What a relaxing hour....water, coffee, kush, not much else you need!

work... work.. work..
stfu rihanna

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