Well-Known Member
Do you guys actually like these little bubbler attachments? I vape quite often and when I used these back then, it would clog very fast because the diffuser holes are so small and so close to the glass wall.Just wanted to say HEY COOL to the poster (see comment here) who shared this lil mini bubbler and o-ring here on the thread, works pretty well ! Here's an image:
That's the v2.5 DT Donut on an IPV 4S, in temp mode, 20 Joules @ 320 F.
Of course, I prefer Matt's Bubbler Attachment he offers on the site, and generally use that.
He's got male/female and 14/18 mm sizes. Works great. I'll get a pic of it up here as soon as I clean up my bubbler, she's gotten a bit dirty with use.
All the best, everyone !
If you don't mind the size, I'd suggest nectar collectors or the pinnacle pro bubbler attachment. I posted pictures a while back in the earlier threads