I have placed my Ruby insert back into it's container and have been practicing with the faceted Sapphire insert.
Sapphire is a very different beast to Ruby that is for sure! Ruby tends to heat up like my banger does but Sapphire is a lot slower to absorb heat.
If I torch like I do for the ruby, the hits are very hot and the extract almost starts to bubble as soon as it slumps.
A new torch technique was required! And I have found it!!
Amazing hits, amazing flavor and absolutely hits way harder than any of my E-Rigs!
I also swapped out my Gavel for the 710Coils banger as the fit was a lot tighter!!!

This is my technique for Sapphire insert heating:
I heat as I do for a low temp hit but with a twist!
Step one is to pick a side of your banger to start heating.
Start by gently heating a bit of the neck, close to the joint and moving along the top section (level with the joint) to the halfway mark and back again until your flame starts to turn reddish. Flip to the other side and repeat.
Now gently heat the bottom section where the insert is sitting and go all around if you can, again until the flame turns reddish.
I move my rig to the edge of my desk and start gently heating the bottom of the banger. This way I can look into the banger and see what is going on with my extract, each melts slightly differently so this is perfect! Keep moving the gentle flame around the bottom and wait until it slumps and moves to the edges of the insert.
Keep heating and watching!! Once you see some bubbles start to form around the whole insert, remove the heat and cap.
It takes quite a bit longer to heat up the dab but for Sapphire inserts it works so much better!
I have some special concentrates waiting for New Years!