Hello friends, my Pax2 is dying little by little, the temperature sensor said enough, and I'm looking for a substitute.
After much reading there are two strong candidates, Arizer Argo, and Davinci Miqro.
Win the Argo by the heating system, I would like to try a different system from the Pax, I had a Volcano for many years and I still remember the rich flavor, I know it can not be the same clear, but something will seem like it.
From the Miqro I read very good reviews, the price is irresistible right now, and the weak point is the battery, but buying several is easily solved.
I am not a regular consumer, and Pax2 gave me plenty, and although I really like that model, it is already the second one that breaks down in the same place, the happy temperature sensor, and I want to try other options.
Im sorry for my bad english.