
SEARCH for the treasure...
When I was researching on Zirconium:
depending on how the Zirconium is made, it can be harder then glass on the MOH hardness scale, so glass joints should not scratch the extended 10mm mouthpiece.

However, I have only used PBW on my glass rigs. I remember a single post here somewhere, that claimed PBW scratched or left marks on his glass rig. I have never experienced that. I doubt it would effect something as hard as Zirconium, but I’ve never tried it.


All who wander are not lost...
However, I have only used PBW on my glass rigs. I remember a single post here somewhere, that claimed PBW scratched or left marks on his glass rig.
I’ve only used PBW on glass as well however I do believe it can be used on other surfaces. As for scratching it’s feasible if the PBW solution is too strong scratching might occur. I’ve only used PBW a few times and tend to mix it weaker than it needs to be and just let it soak a bit longer - but I’ve only cleaned glass with it.

As for my Miqro honeymoon, it’s going fairly well with the extended mouthpiece. Then again I’m also using a finer grind than the initial few loads and I know the finer grind works better in this vape. As such I’m able to turn down the temp a bit too and get some nice wispy clouds where I wasn’t originally with the flat mouthpiece. I’ll want to try that again with my fine grind jar (yes I have one which I forgot about when I first tried my Miqro - it’s not much but enough :) ). Cheers! :peace:


SEARCH for the treasure...
I’ve only used PBW on glass as well however I do believe it can be used on other surfaces. As for scratching it’s feasible if the PBW solution is too strong scratching might occur. I’ve only used PBW a few times and tend to mix it weaker than it needs to be and just let it soak a bit longer - but I’ve only cleaned glass with it.

As for my Miqro honeymoon, it’s going fairly well with the extended mouthpiece. Then again I’m also using a finer grind than the initial few loads and I know the finer grind works better in this vape. As such I’m able to turn down the temp a bit too and get some nice wispy clouds where I wasn’t originally with the flat mouthpiece. I’ll want to try that again with my fine grind jar (yes I have one which I forgot about when I first tried my Miqro - it’s not much but enough :) ). Cheers! :peace:

Agreed. I don’t use a lot of PBW, but really hot tap water.

Glad you are enjoying the Miqro. I use a BCG MEDIUM grind, packed tighter for two reasons, a little better airflow, as unlike my IQ2 there is no airflow control. And probably the main reason, I don’t have to clean the entire airpath as often. Some have reported using a screen to catch the fine particles, but I can’t be bothered, as I made my entire device cleaning process quick and easy, and I try and always do a light clean when I’m done with any device.
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Accessory Maker
My miqro has reclaim and abv buildup at the base of the chimney, just on the other side of the oven. 3/4 holes are clogged, and I know that nook where there is a right angle is packed with gunk. I cannot understand why they would have designed it this way.

How do I clean that?! I've tried everything but it's hard to access.


SEARCH for the treasure...
My miqro has reclaim and abv buildup at the base of the chimney, just on the other side of the oven. 3/4 holes are clogged, and I know that nook where there is a right angle is packed with gunk. I cannot understand why they would have designed it this way.

How do I clean that?! I've tried everything but it's hard to access.

I fluff up the ends of Qtips, remove long Zirconium air path, dampened tip. Use from both directions. Since I always swipe the bowl with an iso qtip after a session, my bowl holes never get blocked, but you could use a damp iso TOOTHPICK to poke from the bowl end. There are also qtip “like” accessories that have different shape FOAM tips, these work well if you find the right size, look in the makeup department. I also only use a medium grind in my IQ2 and Miqro, less particles to get stuck in bowl holes, air path, and mouthpiece. I just pack a bit tighter, and the airflow is fine for me. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thanks for those tips! I'll do that. I think I need to fit a screen to the bottom of the oven, but this will still allow reclaim to build up. Don't know why this got designed with such an obvious pain point.

I hear that that whole pathway is isolated from the rest of the unit, even with the airpath removed. Need to blow test that, and maybe fill it with ISO for a bit.
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SEARCH for the treasure...
Thanks for those tips! I'll do that. I think I need to fit a screen to the bottom of the oven, but this will still allow reclaim to build up. Don't know why this got designed with such an obvious pain point.

I hear that that whole pathway is isolated from the rest of the unit, even with the airpath removed. Need to blow test that, and maybe fill it with ISO for a bit.

I remember reading in this thread some have tried screens, I don’t have the need with my medium grind, and it adds yet another thing to deal with when dumping a load, and cleaning, but if it works for you....

I stopped adding wire baskets to my Tinymight OG stem, as the CU already has a screen, and I noticed the reclaim quickly accumulating and blocking airflow, so that taught me where to look for reclaim buildup, and be wary of where extra screens “may” seem like a good idea originally.

I know early in one of the Davinci threads here, one of their online REPS here mentioned using ISO in the airpath, but personally while I’m sure any platinum silicone (where oven meets airpath joint) would not react to the ISO, if there were any UNSEEN areas along the internal air path, ISO could potentially get inside the electronics, don’t see the need to even consider this risk. The air path is isolated, but is it 100% ISO proof?

Just use Qtips, and consider a quick oven swab after you finish using it, maintenance is so much easier if you keep up with device hygiene....


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I use a course grind, and a very tight pack, but obviously some abv dust is bound to get pulled into the airpath. The way the miqro is designed, 3/4 of the vapor/dust is slammed into the roof of that nook first thing. I always brush the oven out after every use, and I see dust from this getting forced into the airpath too.

But thank you for all the tips and words of caution! I'm slowly getting it cleaned out and cleaned up.


Educator/Cannabis Evangelist
I wish I could say I’m a fan. I love well engineered products, but BOTH will take a back seat to my MV1 and Crafty+.
I have had the Crafty+ Replaced twice under warranty. I also had my Plenty replaced a few months out of warranty for free.
S&B beats DaVinci, IMHO. The microdosing pods seem useless to me. I probably need a T-break.


All who wander are not lost...
Funny how a few above mentioned using medium or coarser grinds. I tried that initially (with the flat mouthpiece) and clouds of any kind were hard to come by but I could definitely feel the effects. I’ve since used a finer grind with the extended mouthpiece and got better, cloudier results. And I also dialed down the temp a bit too once I started getting some clouds. I don’t like to grind often, contrary to many I assume, so I tend to grind medium mostly. Shake and kief I keep in a jarvial to add to a load of coarser material as a special treat, and now I use the finer material mostly for the Miqro. I’ll try again soon with my regular medium grind flower now that I’ve gotten the hang of the Micro. The diliberate honeymoon continues (I have other vapes I use more frequently but I am enjoying the Miqro finally - except the battery life, LOL). :peace:


New Member
I finally feel experienced enough to chime in here. I was very disappointed with my Miqro when I first bought it. It was my first 'quality' dry herb vape and wasnt at all what I thought it would be. I since bought an alternative (very popular) vape to replace it, but I find that I like the Miqro better. Ive come to actually prefer it. Is it perfect, no. But it checks a LOT of my boxes. So much so, that Im considering a second one as a spare. Just thought Id share.
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SEARCH for the treasure...
Personal request, if anyone has the time. To confirm if it’s just MY device, as this does not happen with my larger IQ2.

Noticed an odd issue with my Miqro with supplied 18350 battery (same behavior with other batteries).

1) Unit ON, battery level doesn’t matter, happens at full or any other level.
2) Just tapping the unit when setting it down, the Miqro SHUTS OFF.
3) Repeatable, every time.
*Not slamming it down, just a tap, or even just normally putting it down with minimal impact, that’s why I never noticed it before, first few times I assumed it timed out.

The device works in all other regards.

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New Member
Personal request, if anyone has the time. To confirm if it’s just MY device, as this does not happen with my larger IQ2.

Noticed an odd issue with my Miqro with supplied 18350 battery (same behavior with other batteries).

1) Unit ON, battery level doesn’t matter, happens at full or any other level.
2) Just tapping the unit when setting it down, the Miqro SHUTS OFF.
3) Repeatable, every time.
*Not slamming it down, just a tap, or even just normally putting it down with minimal impact, that’s why I never noticed it before, first few times I assumed it timed out.

The device works in all other regards.

Mine doesn’t turn off like that. Just FYI.


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
One thing I've noticed after a couple of years use is the batteries have developed a bit of memory effect as I can only get though a single SP session ... previously I could get through an SP3 and a second at SP4. I cycle though 4 batteries and use a smart charger. Time for some new batteries.
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Well-Known Member
Personal request, if anyone has the time. To confirm if it’s just MY device, as this does not happen with my larger IQ2.

Noticed an odd issue with my Miqro with supplied 18350 battery (same behavior with other batteries).

1) Unit ON, battery level doesn’t matter, happens at full or any other level.
2) Just tapping the unit when setting it down, the Miqro SHUTS OFF.
3) Repeatable, every time.
*Not slamming it down, just a tap, or even just normally putting it down with minimal impact, that’s why I never noticed it before, first few times I assumed it timed out.

The device works in all other regards.

Nope on either of mine, 1 older, 1 new.


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
I was considering the dotLeaf ... a slightly larger ultraportable with more punch and battery life, but think ill hold off until they get their combustion issues ironed out ...
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All who wander are not lost...
I was considering the dotLeaf ... a slightly larger ultraportable with more punch and battery life, but think ill hold off until they get their combustion issues ironed out ...
I was looking into the Dotleaf too and thought the software/firmware issue was still a bit flaky. I wish the Miqro’s battery life was better but I’m enjoying it still. The draw restriction is also a bit annoying for my liking but I love the size and ease of use - and the extended mouthpiece. I actually charged one of my two original batts inside the unit for the first time while away last weekend - because I didn’t bring an external charger with me - and it charged up pretty quick. :peace:


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
I was looking into the Dotleaf too and thought the software/firmware issue was still a bit flaky. I wish the Miqro’s battery life was better but I’m enjoying it still. The draw restriction is also a bit annoying for my liking but I love the size and ease of use - and the extended mouthpiece. I actually charged one of my two original batts inside the unit for the first time while away last weekend - because I didn’t bring an external charger with me - and it charged up pretty quick. :peace:

Same here all around ... couldn't do the spring summer and Fall without the Miqro ....
I'll be keeping an eye out for what happens on the dotleaf side with maybe a v2 for Black Friday or next 420, or who knows, ... maybe sone new ultraportable release to make us very happy ... take care and have a good day 😎
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm a happy owner of my new MIQRO. I'm just one day in so still learning about the vape. I discovered, thanks to this thread, how much it likes a fine grind and some tampering. I was in fact returning it until I followed these two advices :).

Now I'm going to place and order in vaposhop to enhance the whole experience. I learnt that the glove is somewhat necessary, it does get hot. Does the glove get the job done?

Fine grind grinder or coffee grinder?

Is there anything I should add to my order besides that? anything I'm missing?

thanks in advanced


SEARCH for the treasure...
Hi guys,

I'm a happy owner of my new MIQRO. I'm just one day in so still learning about the vape. I discovered, thanks to this thread, how much it likes a fine grind and some tampering. I was in fact returning it until I followed these two advices :).

Now I'm going to place and order in vaposhop to enhance the whole experience. I learnt that the glove is somewhat necessary, it does get hot. Does the glove get the job done?

Fine grind grinder or coffee grinder?

Is there anything I should add to my order besides that? anything I'm missing?

thanks in advanced

The “glove”, helps, and you can still access all the openings. There aren’t as many accessories for the Miqro, as there is for the larger IQ2. I suggest at least 4 or more 18350 batteries, as they go fast. A separate charger is needed if you use this device a lot. We covered batteries and chargers earlier in this thread too, if you don’t already have these items, cheaper then their battery prices.
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