DaVinci IQ2 & IQ3


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
Welcome to the forum @Holly and congrats on your purchase of the IQ2. Grind medium fine to fine and pack tight is the mantra for this vape to get quality vapor and consistent results. If you plan on using capsules consider purchasing the SS ones for best results.

There are those of us that are blessed/cursed with a highly sensitive olfactory system, and find new electronic smells very offensive. Four of the battery operated vapes I’ve purchased over time have sat near an open window for literally months off gassing before I would ever consider inhaling anything out of them.

Not so for the DaVinci IQ2. My experience with the IQ2 was that it passed the smell test after less than a week. I found this to be reassuring and reinforced Davinci’s purity of construction materials claim. Of course I swabbed a moisten iso q-tip over all surfaces several times, including battery compartment, soaked gaskets for 10 minutes and all other parts longer, and did a two/three battery burn off before it went to the window sill.

The most offensive item as you mentioned was the silicone case for the ceramic dozing capsule. It took many washing and months before I stored the capsule in it again. My glove for the IQ must have sat on the store shelf for a long time as it had released most of it’s odor before purchase.

Note: Liquids of any kind, especially iso permitted to run into the internals, heater/circuit board is never a good solution and could have the potential of shorting the life of your unit. Airing out with all hinges open and parts removed has always worked satisfactory for me.

DaVinci has been developing and manufacturing quality products for over a dozen years and the IQ2 represents the pinnacle of these efforts. Enjoy!


New Member
I thought I'd take a moment to mention high quality, name brand, replacement 18650 batteries for the DaVinci IQ2. Having been a part of the e-cig community and forums for many years I'm familiar reading many name brand 18650 Data Sheets, personally using a selection of these batteries and with the work done by Battery Mooch (one of the best battery testers in the community) and will reference some of his reccomendations.

First lets start with the battery requirements that DaVinci has alreay stated that I read somewhere. They stated that a replacement 18650 battery should be capable of 10 amps continuous current. I think it was on their website description for the IQ2 or maybe on the forums by someone officially from DaVinci. It's worth mentioning as I cannot see anywhere in the official IQ2 User Manual the 10A CC battery reccomendation or even the wattage that the IQ2 will be running at. Judging by tanks sold for wax & concentrates (with ceramic heating elements) that fit onto a standard e-cig device, my experience has been that they often need around 25-35 Watts and heat up rather slow and get very hot similar to these dry herb vapes like the IQ2.

So In my personal opinion I would go with Battery Mooch's best reccomended (mAh vs Amps constant current) name brand, quality 1860 batteries for any single 18650 regulated device that runs up to a max of 75 Watts. He reccomended the Sony (Now Murata) VTC6 and also the Samsung 30Q. Both are rated at 3000mAh batteries with a 15A max constant current. The LG HG2 also has very similar battery specs. There are plenty of quality name brand batteries out there that will do the job but will have less mAh and a higher Amp constant current rate, simply meaning they are a bit overkill on the constant current rating which is great but at the sacrifice of lower mAh meaning you'll have to recharge them more often. Examples are the Samsung 25R (2500 mAh 20A CC) Molicell P28A (2800mAh 25A-25A CC) Sony (now Murata) VTC5 (2600mAh 20ACC) or VTC5A (2500mAh 25A CC) or VTC5D (2700mAh 25A CC). I'll link a couple of Battery Mooch's battery comparison sheets below.

Now the reason I would reccomend a battery such as the Sony (now Murata) VTC6 or the Samsung 30Q is that they are rated for a max constant current of 15A. This is actually a bit ambigious until you actually read the data sheet for these makes and models or other makes and models and look at the graphs showing heat vs the constant current. You'll then realise that the battery will get very hot and be barely usable if you run it from fully charged non stop flat out until dead flat at 15A constant current. Now in the e-cig world this is okay since a regulated device times out after usually 10sec of vaping and then you hit it again for another short 10sec burst. These dry herb vapourisers on the other hand seem to heat up for minutes at a time, so I think it would be wise to get a battery rated for more than 10A CC that DaVinci states as any time batteries are pushed to getting hot they loose overall life cycles as it stresses they battery. It's always best to have a battery that's over rated for the Amp CC rating so it stays as cool as possible. Also consider that the device is getting hot just from the oven so you want to keep the battery as cool as possible by not straining it. Many quality name brand 18650's that are officially rated as 10A CC such as the Panasonic (Sanyo) 18650GA (3300mAh) are really reccomended to not go over about 7A CC. I've seen video's of people on youtube using batteries recovered from laptops or other portable devices that are obviously the old Panasonic 18650B (3300mAh 4.9A CC). This is just not safe IMO. Why risk running an under rated battery that will likley heat up loose mAh drastically from running over the Amp rating and then be used in a device right next to your face!

Lastly I want to mention the included purple wrap battery that comes with the DaVinci IQ2. They also sell these on their official website and list them as being 3000mAh with a 11.10 Watt hr. It's worth noting that so far I cannot find any data sheet on this battery and cannot find any info on the max rated Amps of constant current. I've read numerous posts here for people requesting from DaVinci the official data sheet for this battery, as I myself have done but so far there has been nothing provided that I've seen. My inlcuded purple battery DaVinci provided with my IQ2 has printed on it: YDL 18650 D 11.10 Wh UG30 210819. Apon testing with my LiitoKala Li-600 using the Test cycle (1A charge/500mA discharge) it came as 2852mAh when brand new (the Li-600 discharges from 4.2V to 2.62V). So Based on 3000mA battery at 3.7V nominal then yes this would be rated a 11.10 Wh battery. Based on the actual 2852mAh rating tested at multiplied by 3.7V nominal it is actually only 10.55 Wh. If you read most 18650 data sheets by name brand companies like Sony (Murata), Samsung and Panasonic you'll see that they rate their batteries at 3.6V nominal not 3.7V so realistically this purple battery should be calculated at 10.27 Wh (2.852 Ah x 3.6 V). It's common to see Chinese companies that produce 18650's to have false battery specifications not to mention a much greater chance of lower quality control compared to the reputable name brands producers wish are: Sony (Murata), Samsung, Panasonic (Sanyo), LG, Molicell and Tesla Motors. I personally will not be using this included Chinese purple battery produced by YDL in my DaVinci or any high wattage devices such as vape devices (or at least until I see a data sheet) as I consider them in the same catagory as all No Name Chinesium batteries of unknown specs and quality. I would only feel comfortable using these batteries (with caution) in low watt devices such as torches (flashlights) that take an 18650 battery and have inbuilt protective circuitry, usually any torch with with a built in USB recharge socket has this)

If you live in the USA there are plenty of verified high quality 18650 battery sellers (such as 18650batterystore.com and many others). It's important to pick a well reviewed company as fake look alike cells are rampant in the industry. Any high quality battery retailer isn't completely safe from getting a bad batch of fake look alike batteries but should have an excellent refund policy if this occurs, also should be much more likley to keep fakes from ever being sold in their shop and treat it very seriously. The worst offender by far IMO has been AliExpress.com for fake look alike batteries.

For other people out there looking for Aussie retailers of 18650 batteries, I've found these two to be reliable and quite affordable: lanplus.com.au and techaroundyou.com.

I'd reccomend to stay away from the Aussie retailer TinkerTech as the last time I ordered from them they sold be two different brand and model of batteries that where obiously fake on closer inpection. They were supposed to be genuine. Luckily I was able to prove they where fake buy the look of them and got a full refund. Below is a side by side comparison of the fake Sony (Murata) VTC6 batteries they sold me compared to an older genuine one I'd bought elsewhere.

I always reccomend to keep spare 18650s in plastic cases to prevent damage and metal object shorting them. You can find the cheap 2x 18650 battery holders on ebay and aliexpress. I like the ones with 4 clamps and a silcone seal that makes them waterproof. If you need just a single 18650 battery holder for slim carry, I've just found this really cheap plastic holder for $1.50 that is great! I just cut a little foam and put it in the bottom of the tube to stop the 18650 battery rattling around when closed. Be sure to select the "Large" size DynaVap SnapStash from this website: https://www.australianvaporizers.com.au/products/dynavap-snapstash?variant=32192306053199

That website australianvaporizers.com.au was also the cheapest place I could find in Australia for replacement IQ2 Pearls (heard these break easily to it's good to have a few replacements). Also one of the cheapest places for other DaVinci accessories like the Zirconia Ceramic spacers for the IQ2 and the DaVinci IQ Soft Case. I also really liked their selection of airtight small metal stash containers & compact metal 4 part grinders, each of the metal stash cases and grinders I bought was well under 10 bucks each!


Mooch's Reccomended Battery List 3-Jun-2020

Mooch's Full Battery Sheet (18-Jan-2019)

Comparison of Fake Sony (Murata) VTC6 18650s Sold by TinkerTech vs Real Sony VTC6 Bought Elsewhere

$1.50 DynaVap SnapStash - Large Size (Fits 18650 Battery)
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New Member
If you want to use recycled batteries, you want to get batteries from drills and other power tools that are high current draw and of course check the data sheet and only use name brand batteries. Many quality drill battery packs will use name brand batteries that are high current draw such as Samsung 25R or Samsung 30Q or Sony (Murata) VTC6 all of which are suitable but you'll need to test each cell. Use a quality charger capable of full charge and dischage test cycle to test the mAH such as the LiitoKala Lii-600. Make sure the battery doesn't get hot on the charger as old worn out batteries will increase in internal resistance. Also a good probably a good idea to not use batteries that are lower than 80% of their original stated mAh. So for example if it's a new Samsung 30Q and rated @ 3000mAh and you test an old one you're pulling from a used drill battery pack and it's testing out at only 2400mAh then it's showing it's pretty worn out and maybe time to replace before it starts making problems by getting hot form the increase internal resistance.

Lastly if you find you're battery wraps are getting torn or damaged and you wish to prevent this or rewrap them stronger than original I reccomend buying a 1 metre roll of clear 18650 heat shrink tube from ebay. Simply cut to length slide your 18650 battery in to the clear tube and heat with a gas heating torch or gas jet lighter flame carefully till it shrinks. Although slightly thicker than the original wrap, I've found it much more robust and never had a problem fitting into any of my devices that take 18650 batteries. Clear shrink wrapping also prevents batteries that have printed text on the wrap from coming off especially after contact with e-juice, alcohol or oils.
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New Member
Okay so after leaving my IQ2 in an airtight container for a week with the battery door and top and bottom open I tried it out. I put a battery in and run a few burn off cycles @ 221°C. The device works fine so thankfully I didn't destroy any of the electronics with my risky choice of deciding to squirt ethanol down the tube containing the rubbers with the vapour chamber removed and then followed by squirting RO water and drying in the damprid containter for a week. On the downside, and the reason for my post is to suggest it probabably wasn't worth the risk of potentially destroying my IQ2 as even though I scrubbed the inner tube and rubbers (with vapour chamber removed) and also the rubber around the oven seal there is still no difference in smell IMO. When I run @ 221°C and blow into the end with the airholes open and cup the top with my hand, the hot air that is blown into my hand still smells of rubber smell. I continued to blow down into the airholes until the battery was roughly half charge and still the smell. I think I'm just going to have to put up with it. I hope that by reinserting the vapour chamber and the pearl that both of those will cover up and and partially insulate some of those internal rubbers and hopefully make less smell. I wonder if using a water bubbler attachment would capture any of that rubber smell or not?

If anyone has any experience using water bubbler adaptors on the IQ2 I'd be really happy to hear of your experiences as I'm considering buying one. There's a significant price difference (roughy half the price) between a generic bubbler and the official DaVinci band one. So I'd be really interested on any peoples experiences with either generic or geniune. Some of the main questions I have is how much does it improve the experience in term of heat or throat irritation (especially for the non smoker)? The question I hear a lot is how does one clean the official bubbler? So does that mean it's difficult to empty all the water out? I'd assume that if the holes are really small then worst case scenario hopefully a flat end needle on a syringe would work to squirt alcohol in there to clean, just dunno if it's easy to rinse out?

The official DaVinci branded bubbler is adversied as being about 4" in length with a large amount of water and spill resistant design. I don't know if that means the generic bubbler (shown in the link below that's 5" in length) may have significantly less water and be less effective and don't know if it's easier to spill or if that's actually better for rinsing, cleaning and emptying the water out if the official DaVinci branded one is difficult to do that. So any thoughts are welcome. Not sure if spending the extra money is worthwhile or not to get the genuine DaVinci bubbler.

(4" Length) Genuine DaVinci Hydrotube Water Bubbler (From local Aussie vendor)

(5" Length) Generic Water Bubbler with included 10mm to 14mm adaptor (From local Aussie vendor - Also available from DryHerbVaporizers.com.au)


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
@Holly good to here everything is running smoothly. Re: bubbler. Never have read anyone having complaints of vapor coming from the IQ2 being to hot, but have heard people say the mouth piece and top of the body can become uncomfortable if used for extended sessions at high temps. The bottom load design of the IQs provides a elongated cooling air path that satisfies most peoples cooling needs if the unit is operated at moderate temps.

For additional vapor cooling there are a variety of choices to experiment with. Simply opening the air flow dial will provide cooler vapor. Mods of quartz, ruby, sic 3 to 6mm pearls can be placed in the IQ's flavor chamber with success to aid cooling. Another option for cooling are J hooks which come in a variety of different configurations, sizes and prices. A rule of thumb for any glass piece is the more bends, surface area and length of air path, amount of pearls the more cooling can be achieved.

Bubblers and water pieces work great for cooling vapor as well but at the cost of a loss of flavor and effects IMO. They come in many different water volume capacities and in the end it all comes down to personal preference which vapor conditioning method you choose if any. Many simply just use the mouth to lung (MTL) method rather than direct to lungs (DTL) and let the vapor cooling/conditioning take place naturally.

The Davinci IQ2 was designed to satisfy most peoples needs directly out of the box. A suggestion of starting out slow on Smart Paths one or 350F or lower natively is a good place to begin. Let us know how you progress.
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@Holly that was insane my friend, glad your IQ2 is still working. Perhaps a Dynavap or Arizer with its glass tubes might be better options for you in terms of flavor. My experience with DaVinci vaporizers is that no matter how clean it is, there's always a taste IMO.

About of bubbler I have a Nectar Collector and I like the experience, but when I put it at very high temperatures I feel a little throat. This tip from @endof3d about using 3 to 6 mm pearls it could be really good. I've seen some of these zirconia pearls and in DaVinci's advertising this material is great for retaining flavor.

Also, thinking about what you commented about the smell/taste, it might be interesting to try putting activated charcoal in the flavor chamber, but with a kind of filter at both ends to prevent you from inhaling the charcoal. Anyway, I wouldn't particularly do that, but theoretically it's a way out of this problem.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
You can get those little hydro tubes a lot of different places, they're really cheap and honestly only sort of effective for smooth hits, it's fun but a more involved proper bubbler would be more effective and more convenient for me... I also like using it on a J hook upside down for cooling, GVB has dropped a few new ones including this 10 mm one that would work with the IQ2 without needing an extra adapter:


There are other 10 mm non hook coolers I believe, a lot of stuff for the dynavaps means there is a lot of options for the IQ
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member



As DaVinci's steel capsules are not available in my country and with shipping everything would cost more than $100, I asked some members of the forum and I risked buying the Xmax V3 Pro's steel capsules. They arrived last week!

I bought 8 capsules on AliExpress and with shipping it all cost $30. I received it in 15 days. They fit the IQ perfectly, they are a little smaller in height compared to the ceramic capsule that comes with the IQ2. I liked that the capsule lid snaps on under pressure.

The vaping experience on the go is excellent, much more practical and low profile. I tried it with a looser pack and the clouds were ridiculous, but when I really tightened up the whole thing took me up to Everest lol.

In my search for a case to store the capsules I came across this model for the Healthy Rips Fury 2.

I'm trying to design a similar one, but with magnets and the size and look of a Zippo. It's going to be great!

Anyway, I definitely recommend picking up these alternative capsules. They will be in my letter for the good old man to give me for Christmas!
I just need to behave until then! lol
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fu Kingston ed

Well-Known Member
Had to sell my iq2 and go back to using my mighty and crafty.
Been vaping daily for 7 years- between 1-2grams per day.
The iq2 was disappointing in the following areas.
- The device gets too hot to hold for extended sessions.
- Vapour production is only about 20% or what my crafty and mighty push out.
- the dosing capsules are too small.
- the device is very hard to clean.
Sorry guys I know you all love your iq2 but it wasn’t for me. I’ve never found any vape that can beat the mighty and the crafty.


Try hard noob
I really like the IQ2, though it's not as good in the vapour department as my TM2 or Legacy Pro. But with a fine-med grind, nicely packed it's not too far behind. I find it pretty easy to clean, with a pipe cleaner if you're doing a deep clean. What I like about it in particular is how easy it is to load, and without any mess. You just pop it open, drop the good stuff over the top and it kind of funnels it into the oven.
The one thing that does my head in a bit is the brightness of the LEDs. Even in "stealth" mode it feels like christmas time.


cantre member

As DaVinci's steel capsules are not available in my country and with shipping everything would cost more than $100, I asked some members of the forum and I risked buying the Xmax V3 Pro's steel capsules. They arrived last week!

I bought 8 capsules on AliExpress and with shipping it all cost $30. I received it in 15 days. They fit the IQ perfectly, they are a little smaller in height compared to the ceramic capsule that comes with the IQ2. I liked that the capsule lid snaps on under pressure.

The vaping experience on the go is excellent, much more practical and low profile. I tried it with a looser pack and the clouds were ridiculous, but when I really tightened up the whole thing took me up to Everest lol.

In my search for a case to store the capsules I came across this model for the Healthy Rips Fury 2.

I'm trying to design a similar one, but with magnets and the size and look of a Zippo. It's going to be great!

Anyway, I definitely recommend picking up these alternative capsules. They will be in my letter for the good old man to give me for Christmas!
I just need to behave until then! lol
the Zippo caddy sound great, please let us know when you get it sorted, I'll buy one.


No thoughts, head empty
Does anyone happen to know how often the davinci store restocks dosing capsules or where else I might be able to find them? Just picked up an iq2 for a little more variety in my vape rotation but unfortunately most of the accessories I wanted were sold out.
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New Member
Hi, I just received my IQ2 last week - my first vape ever, wha?!
It’s a learning curve I’m happily navigating and am mostly pleased with it so far. I was about to buy some new batteries but wanted to float them here as there is an intimidating warning at 18650batterystore.com saying do Not use these
‘Sony (Murata) VTC6 18650 3000mAh 15A’ in a vape or e-cig .
These sound like the ones others have been recommending though and I assume the warning is more of an ass-covering by the vendor? Any thoughts? Thank you!


No thoughts, head empty
Hi, I just received my IQ2 last week - my first vape ever, wha?!
It’s a learning curve I’m happily navigating and am mostly pleased with it so far. I was about to buy some new batteries but wanted to float them here as there is an intimidating warning at 18650batterystore.com saying do Not use these
‘Sony (Murata) VTC6 18650 3000mAh 15A’ in a vape or e-cig .
These sound like the ones others have been recommending though and I assume the warning is more of an ass-covering by the vendor? Any thoughts? Thank you!
Yeah, it’s a bit of covering their ass since batteries can vent if they’re stored loose or over charged, and also probably trying to avoid liability for selling vape parts since I believe there were some scare stories a few years ago about poorly configured box mods exploding.

Those batteries are solid, I personally use the molicel p28as for my vapes, but I don’t think the iq2 can take advantage of the higher amperage.
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Try hard noob
Hi, I just received my IQ2 last week - my first vape ever, wha?!
It’s a learning curve I’m happily navigating and am mostly pleased with it so far. I was about to buy some new batteries but wanted to float them here as there is an intimidating warning at 18650batterystore.com saying do Not use these
‘Sony (Murata) VTC6 18650 3000mAh 15A’ in a vape or e-cig .
These sound like the ones others have been recommending though and I assume the warning is more of an ass-covering by the vendor? Any thoughts? Thank you!
The one the IQ2 comes with is 3500mAh, which I think means you can go down as low as 10A.

I use this one as my spare: https://www.fogstar.co.uk/collections/18650-batteries/products/fogstar-3500mah-10a

Molicel also do a similar specced one, the M35A. I love Molicel for having the balls to say that their batteries are suitable for vapourisers, unlike Sony or Samsung. But I find that their tops dent a bit too easily for my liking. Any time I've dropped a vape with a Molicel in it, the top caves and it no longer makes proper contact with the device. Of course, I shouldn't be so clumsy... but I've vaped for about 10 years and it does happen from time to time.
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Well-Known Member
I'm having an issue with my IQ2, I'm using fully charged batteries, the battery shows full when it comes on but during heat up it flashes low battery and vibrates and turns off sometimes. Other times it will continue to run and heat up and even reach temp but it continues to flash low battery and shuts off often also.
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Try hard noob
I'm having an issue with my IQ2, I'm using fully charged batteries, the battery shows full when it comes on but during heat up it flashes low battery and vibrates and turns off sometimes. Other times it will continue to run and heat up and even reach temp but it continues to flash low battery and shuts off often also.
Ouch :(

Does the IQ2 battery work in other devices, and does the IQ2 still behave the same, even if you put a different battery in?


Well-Known Member
The battery is a molicel P28A, I have 8 stored in pairs, I cycle between all 8. I vape all day so I go through one or 2 a batteries day.

Before that it it was 8 hohm life batteries, these batteries did the same thing the molicels are doing now.

I recently bought 8 more in hopes this fixes my issue, the batteries are fine in other devices just not in the IQ2 after a year ish of use.

Wonder if its a chip thing
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Well-Known Member
I recently bought 8 more in hopes this fixes my issue, the batteries are fine in other devices just not in the IQ2 after a year ish of use.

Wonder if its a chip thing and it
I've been vaping for the last 10 years or so, and have acqured a grand collection of the latest and greatest Mooch approved high-amp draw cells and tbh the IQ is the only device I've had throw a fit over older cells. Cells that will work fine in any of a dozen vapes (although wit reduced run time) just won't run an IQ.


Try hard noob
FWIW I think the IQ2 had a 10 year warranty or something... so it might be worth videoing the problem and seeing if you can send it back. Sounds like a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
New batteries are doing the same thing, at least it vapes. I don't think I can get warranty help, I bought it second hand.

Hopefully it keeps working, my only other vapes are a stempod si that needs a new deck and a roffu that I strongly dislike.
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