Is the magnetic version very different from the one with the button on the side? I was sold the non-magnetic version, and was curious.
I use a toothpick dude it has to be a wood one i get a light shine it down into the bowl get the tooth pick near one of the small circle holes above the heating element wedge the toothpick in then pull it up at an angle this normally gets the screen loose then i use the same tooth pick to try and pull it out. sometimes using 2 toothpicks like chopsticks help for the 2nd part. This is no easy task the first/2nd time you do it but after the 2nd time it becomes fairly easy.Ganjadude, can you tell me what you use to remove the bottom screen? I have read through the beginning of this thread, but all i can find is a toothpick and that did not work for me.
Ganjadude, can you tell me what you use to remove the bottom screen?
I will be on the lookout for a safety pin as this sounds much easier then using my toothpickI use the hooked end of a safety pin. I heated the end up 'red hot' with a small torch type lighter and quickly bent a small hook in the end. You can do it cold, but it's much easier to do and you can make a smaller hook hot. I use it to pierce and hook the mesh a bit out from the edge and use the rest of the safety pin for a handle to yank it out.
You don't want too fat a wire, we don't want to mangle it up. My pin is made with .036 inch wire and is two inches long. I believe it's the industry standard "number 3":
Mine came from an assortment package, which typically stop at size 2 it seems. Why a two inch pin is a size 3 (and not two) is probably something deeply Brit?
I also usually flame such screens clean as they have a lot of herb and other debris in them. I use the same lighter to heat the (SS only) screen up until it glows. Usually in to halves. The ash brushes right off and you can flatten it back out and poke it back in for more duty. The hooked end safety pin is still long enough to store safely, I've used the same pin over a year now, and a similar one before that. Used carefully you can get under an o-ring with it to lift it free. Just be careful not to poke holes in the ring.
Several of the other 'usual suspects' around here are in on this trick, you'll be in good company I think.
I got tired of scraping bits and pieces of herb off the screen so I started using the carts for flowers. So far I'm loving it. Keeps the unit nice and clean. And I can suck as hard as I want (giggity) with no clogging. I pre-pack a second cart and keep it in the storage bin. Kinda like the Pinnacle bullet approach. It takes an extra half minute to start getting vapor after it reaches temperature but for me it's worth it.
Funny you mention this.....last night I ground some nuggets to damn near powder and filled a cart. When I put the white rubber cap on the cart it compacted the grind so much that it stopped all air flow. And the seal isn't so good between the cart and top screen so it still feels like it draws, but you're not actually pulling air through the cart. I ended up emptying the cart into the oven and ditching the idea. Loved it at first but it's too tricky to get it just right.
Mmmm...Bubble. I need to move to your side of the country.
OF your killin' me here in florida !
The weather is great the variety of Herb isn't .
Yeah, but if you don't mind the swamps doing a TOPO coastal survey is much simpler .
I could of and should have left a long time ago. For now i'm stuck here so gotta make the best of it , and dream of a left coast life . Peace.
ha and to think over here in the rockies we are getting 8 inches of snow!! im enjoying it tho![]()
Welcome to the forum Krizzle, I havent heard of this problem before but I'm sure your replacement will have no problems.Hello FC, first time poster here but long time vape user. My green Da Vinci vape arrived today but after switching it on the blue LED turns on but I get a blank display. I have already returned it and I am waiting a replacement. Has anyone else had this problem before? Is it fixable by resetting the unit somehow? Hopefully my replacement will be OK. Thanks in advance.