CentiZen said:
Well with that cleared up I think you will find us very understanding when it comes to lack of MMJ demos.
However, one thing that I am wondering now is the range of vaporization, since there are many non medical herbs that vaporize at a much much lower temperature than cannabis, does this handheld have any pre-programmed limits as to the temperature it can reach?
As well, I am interested to know the construction of the power circuits, more specifically the Power Supply Unit. In other handhelds I have owned the manufactures chose to implement a switching power supply at 15kHz which let off a high pitched whining noise that many of my friends (especially females for some reason) could detect and were mildly annoyed by. As well, what are the specifics of the power cell(s) that will be implemented in this vaporizer? Will it be a standard sized cell that could conceivably be replaced by a user with a knowledge of electrical engineering? This is a big one for me because as a Canadian resident our customs can be downright criminal in their confiscation of anything that could be remotely considered usable for cannabis, presence of resin or not.
Also, I would absolutely love to see more updates on your development blog, the more I know about the internals and working of the unit the more likely I am going to make it my new stealth portable.
For vaporization ranges, it will vary based on the vaping material. The "default" temp is 375, but it can be adjusted by the user before the secondary power switch is activated. For example, when I vaped the tobacco in the first video, I set the temp lower because 375 is too high.
This is also why we have an adjustable temperature controller. We want users to be able to vape their favorite substances and be able to adjust the heat accordingly and not just rely on the vaporizer to "know" how high or low it';s supposed to go.
For the circuitry, I don't have a lot of information on it, but hope to have more to provide.
We've heard the high pitched noise complaint as well and have had no such feedback with our unit.
New news: Our first shipment of 10 models hit the door this morning (hand delivered by the owner of our factory) just in time for the CHAMPS tradeshow, which kicks off tomorrow. For those attending, come on out and see the DaVinci in person for yourself. Hoping to get some video today as well

Opening up a couple tins to see the new unit was like a kid at Christmas. This thing has been through so many revisions and improvements plus with so much focus and effort on this, it's a big relief to see the fruits of our labor come through the door. It makes all of the 10-12 hour days worth the while.
The owner of the company has been working on this thing for over a year now, so he's especially excited about his baby finally hitting US shores.
While I realize we can't be everyone's vaporizer of choice and I still have plenty to learn about vaporizers, vape enthusiasts, I'm excited that we're finally approaching official launch day and can share it with the amazing guys I've met through FC (thanks everyone for the emails and phone calls).