Yup. I've picked up identical ones from cheap shops for about £2 ($3) before to use with other vapes. The badge literally says 'Camera-bag' on it and they come in all kinds of colours and patterns.
JRR is that a CAT running beneath your legs at 0:53? Lol at first I thought the flash was a halucination but I ran it back and I "think" you have a black cat? BTW what music is that in the vid? Nice and mellow. Thanks!Now I've got the technique down a bit better I thought I'd do another vid with a bigger glass piece.
Wow, I'll admit I still combust and my piece gets incredibly resiny. I literally pull out little nugs of resin and could easily have a few marble sized clumps each time I clean it, if I rolled it all up. I could never bring mysellf to smoke it, but I might finally have a healthy use for all of it now
Just thinking of all the money I could save if I could get all the great THC out of the resin without the bad carcinogenics![]()
you are quite right I threw up in my mouth a little thinkin about thatI would think resin from COMBUSTION might fowl up the vape, but vapor resin would be much more appropriate.
Could be wrong
my back up Solo (M-104) just started doing the ceramic flaking thing and now tastes terrible to use and probably not good for my lungs. (How bad is it?)
They (Arizer) said that the flakes are an inert material and are not harmful, if you believe that.
Just got mine in the mail and like everyone's said before, it does seem like a very durable piece of equipment. I've barely used it and don't have much to add on to other's initial review, but I've got a few questions. When I turned my DV on for the first time, the new smell was pretty strong so I let it heat up to do a burn in and there was small bits of vapor rising up. Is this normal? This was my first time burning in a vape (only ever owned an iolite which I didn't burn in) so correct me if I'm wrong but if the chambers are empty no vapor should be rising out right? Also when I plug mine into charge, it creates a buzzing noise that's clearly heard in a silent room, but isn't loud enough to overpower music or a TV. I haven't heard anyone else report this so I was just wondering if this is normal too? One last thing, I noticed my Temp gauge jumps about 5* every second or so, I'm not expecting it to be a consistent temp but going from 375* to 341* to 373* back up to 379* seems to be kind of a big jump but this is my first vape with a temp read out so I could be wrong. But other than those things, I love this thing. Heats up fast, durable, love the brush and storage compartment, and the dual chambers and the buttons don't seem cheap or like they would easily break. Only really used it for a session though so I'll have to test it more![]()
How much longer do you guys think until it becomes available? Personally 25 centimeters seems a little long, it'd be fine for home use, but it seems a little long to be hitting in public/carrying around. I think something in between around 15 centimeters would be nice but that's just my opinion.We also got in our "snorkels".
The snorkel is a 25 centimeter extended flexi-straw. It works just like it's shorter cousin and can be used while sitting inside a jacket pocket. It will also help for those who've experienced some sensitivity to the heat from the smaller versions.
Look for them to appear on the site soon![]()
Could you tell me more about the mod? Or if you still plan on doing a more in-depth report I can wait for thatI have made a mod to the cans which improves performance a bit - I have an idea for another mod that I think will make it even better. Full report once I have it worked out.
So after about a week of owning a unit, my straw is starting to fall apart. Haven't really abused it, I just put it in my pocket and take it out which I think caused the threads to be pulled out from the bottom. Honestly, it looked like the thread were only glued in two tiny spots that were pratically next to each other. I would like to buy another straw from you guys, but I don't think I will if they're going to fall apart that easy. $15 isn't worth it for a straw that'll last a week aesthetically. The unit itself is still going strong and due for a good cleaning soon. I've used my DV everyday and am still in love with it.
More experimenting has me thinking that the oil carts are pretty ineffective. I haven't tried them with true essential oils yet, which may be the problem, but I have tried to add flavoring drops to the cotton oil can and I didn't taste much of it, there were was barely any vapor produced and the herb in the top chamber barely changed color. So for now I've decided to just stick with the bottom chamber like I said before, until my order of oils arrive in the mail.
How's everybody else who has a DV holding up?