It depends on what product you're talking about. One or more authorized wholesale distributors for vapes from Arizer and Oglesby & Butler, for example, sold to pretty much any resellers with the money to buy, and these resellers proceeded to sell at prices lower than the manufacturer wanted.Well Max that's a bit confusing. How can someone sell the same product for same price and be unauthorized? Seems if they have the product they're good?
I'll see about doing a review. I'll receive mine tomorrow. They're have been a couple reviews earlier.
If they have 7 units they bought them retail. As for other resellers being "good" because they have a particular vape in stock, I think I've made it clear that the vape distribution channel for some models isn't as secure as the vape makers would like. And of course some vape makers aren't concerned whether resellers are authorized or not. It always pays, to be sure of warranty coverage, to check with the manufacturer to see what their policy is.Seems if they have the product they're good?
I don't know that I'd call any vape in current production "rare", but certainly hand made models like the log vapes can't always meet demand. As for this one, availability should get much better in short order. At the moment, is the place to buy for quickest delivery. It seems the authorized resellers don't have stock to ship yet.darco said:Are these going to be rare vapes or is full stock expected soon?
Other than the helpful comments from others in this thread, there was no direct response to my question so I'll just leave it at this;
The batteries are what stand between me and a purchase.
What if you went out of business right when the batteries started to fail? I'd have to throw it away without fixing it? It is worries like these that shut down any interest in purchasing. That is all.
Good quality lithium ion batteries. You could use most any brand. Ours are a proprietary brand because we want the best, but any high grade lithium ion battery will work.
Yeah me 2 wanna know dat.just got mine today, thanks for the quick shipping! anyway, can you post a guide on changing the bottom mesh screen? do i just hook it out somehow and push the new one in all the way?
So I dug right in. Attached stem, and off I went. Yes there was a pre use smell of newness. Same when first cranked up. So I set it to 430 the max to do a burn in.
Yeah Dude, I cranked up about 3 times yesterday and there was A slight smell, but nothing to turn me off, and make me cry like a baby. I will indulge today, and be picking up on any smells and taste. I'll report later. Will take with me on a short road trip. Later.Please don't keep us in suspense. Did that do the trick?
Last question is what do ya tell someone who just saw your unit, and inquires as to it's identity, and use? Inquiring minds need to know.
It's a 2 way radio.what do ya tell someone who just saw your unit, and inquires as to it's identity
I doubt they're gonna set themselves up to get blamed for 2nd degree burns, just from handling it.Like hot coffee hot or just noticeably hot.
I don't know either. Didn't receive one with unit. Unless they're calling the rubberized paint a Kevlar pouch (not hardly). I remember that to now that u mention it. Is the pouch no longer included? I'll have to find out.Does anyone know what the Kevlar pouch looks like? (its mentioned in the first post)
Well it's hard to describe exactly. It's not a turn off, so for now, I'll call it a newness taste. You can taste your stash as you would vaping out of other machines. I'll crank her up now for an am testing session. All done. It's a non issue with me. However my buds taste wise are not that great. So my gal is a nonpartaker. I emptied out both my portables, and asked her to draw through the stems of both my portables. She can detect like a newness taste in the DV. She could also detect a taste in the whispr, but to a lesser extent. So to me not a problem. I think the 2 units use similar med grade tubing in the stem. The DVs is covered in blk mesh material. The whispr is not. If that is the case it will diminish as the whispr did, and my ViVape as well. I wonder if washing with iso, and soap would help for those with a problem with the taste. If i get a chance ill do that today, and have my #1Gal retaste. The smell of the unit itself is almost nonexistent, certainly was stronger when I first removed from the box. Kinda like a new phone smell. he short of it is the smell, taste, and heat are ally nonissues for me.V-Rod, thanks for the review.Got a question.. when you say the taste is different from the wispr, what do you mean exactly?
Well it's hard to describe exactly. It's not a turn off, so for now, I'll call it a newness taste. You can taste your stash as you would vaping out of other machines. I'll crank her up now for an am testing session. All done. It's a non issue with me. However my buds taste wise are not that great. So my gal is a nonpartaker. I emptied out both my portables, and asked her to draw through the stems of both my portables. She can detect like a newness taste in the DV. She could also detect a taste in the whispr, but to a lesser extent. So to me not a problem. I think the 2 units use similar med grade tubing in the stem. The DVs is covered in blk mesh material. The whispr is not. If that is the case it will diminish as the whispr did, and my ViVape as well. I wonder if washing with iso, and soap would help for those with a problem with the taste. If i get a chance ill do that today, and have my #1Gal retaste. The smell of the unit itself is almost nonexistent, certainly was stronger when I first removed from the box. Kinda like a new phone smell. he short of it is the smell, taste, and heat are ally nonissues for me.
I think a tool to remove inner screen, and an extra little brush is more of a concern. Oh and that Kevlar pouch cover thingy. Happy vapes to you. Tanks