A skinny screw! That's a great idea. My last issue I was able to get just enough of the can out that I could just grab it with my giant man-fingers and remove it.
What about the mouthpiece/snorkle. You guys have issues with those? 2nd time I've had the snorkle detach from the metal connector... (2nd snork).
Only issue I've found is now motes of AVB dust have started collecting behind the display glass causing black dots to appear.
Yeah, Hexi, nothing collected there until I started using the canned air, so it was a pretty clear cause and effect situation. How frustrating that it is the recommended method, but this effect wasn't mentioned. Maybe they never noticed, don't look closely at their display very often. But it cuts down on the time spend with the iso swab. Grumble, grumble, oh well.lol I thought that was a fluke thing with just me... Mine has more than a few dots thoPretty sure it came from trying to use air to clean out the AVB
Oh come on you know its a great vape for flowers , Glad to hear you retrieved the can when it happened to me it was one of those WTF moments , for a day or two .I finally tracked down some nice skinny 'push to open' tweezers, that and a lil iso rub and the can easily came out. I may just slot this one as a dedicated concentrate vape once I get one of the pre-orders in hand for another vape.
So far thankfully that problem is only cosmetic . I do believe with the lower cost the DaVinci should be on more peoples radar as an amazing portable for their collection . Also one great first Vape , I've turned 3 people on to vaping to the point that they all now have more then one vaporizer by giving them a DV as their first .did some almond toffee style in it last night, no can.
Given how inexpensive the DV is now compared to some of the new units is driving my thought process to make it a concentrate specialist. Not to mention the powder AVB in the LCD display issue, without any flowers in it I can avoid that one getting worse perhaps ^_^
I second the (to put it nicely) very very poorly designed mouthpiece , looks cool but doesn't last real long in one piece and real pain in the ass to try to fix . Its The only flaw I really see in my DaVinci .
I do wish they would address the fact it just won't last .
did some almond toffee style in it last night, no can.
Given how inexpensive the DV is now compared to some of the new units is driving my thought process to make it a concentrate specialist. Not to mention the powder AVB in the LCD display issue, without any flowers in it I can avoid that one getting worse perhaps ^_^
I gave my first one away also and it's still working great .I had an original DV about a year and a half ago, I sold it when I got into a jam unfortunately. The new models smell like a burning tire? Or has that been fixed? The burning tire smell covered the herb smell so that was nice but I dunno