Yes , i have tried most torch sizes available,it is actually the nozzle diameter that matters. I just cannot get a sweetspot with anything and counting 8 seconds after the click when i am baked,makes me forget there is a click at all. I might have monkey memory or idk,but my clicker is no good indicator for anything . I have minimized airflow to the minimum. As mentioned i am having better results with my Dani V3 cap on the fusion tip ,so there is something wrong with mine or this vape is just not for me

)... It is just that the 14 day return period is running out and if i could not master it in two weeks,i probably wont ever. The only thing usable of the package i got is the tip paired with the V3 cap,not really cashwise for me to keep it.I have tried a lot of vapes and own quite a few flamepowered Vapo-bowl,vaporstar,,Vapor-genie,Blackleaf Wand Vape ,Gn0me,celtic -vapo ,vapocane,vaponic,vapcap,vapman,dynacrap,,lotus,dani v3, ball torch vape ,in other words you can say i am a big fan of those and i really wish my Fusion could perform anything like the v3,maybe if i didnt own the V3 i would have appreciated this one more,who knows.
Also i wanna note ,that temp stepping via reheating works very well with my Dani V3 , while with the fusion it just goes from wispy vapor ,to charred and i just cannot seem to nail the sweetspot with the stock setup and get that thick tasty hit.