Discontinued Daisy vaporizer by Triihouse


Well-Known Member
Just when I thought VAS had calmed down :doh: I want one, no NEED one, 2's company but 3 is a wonderful wooden ménage à trois :brow:

I can even imagine a nice WonG attachment to go on the glass/metal? MP :love: could even shape it so the whole piece looks like it does now but with a 14/18 MP

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
Too late for edit window so B2B posts....

I just ran some whole nug through my Daisy and realized one of my favorite things about this vape is how when you hit that "just right" magic spot with the torch flame and the glass neck just starts to go completely white with vapor, I tap the carb hole and it flows white and empty then white and empty again. Daisy might be the most "fun to use" vape I've ever owned. I just love this thing. :love:


living in a van down by the river
Too late for edit window so B2B posts....

I just ran some whole nug through my Daisy and realized one of my favorite things about this vape is how when you hit that "just right" magic spot with the torch flame and the glass neck just starts to go completely white with vapor, I tap the carb hole and it flows white and empty then white and empty again. Daisy might be the most "fun to use" vape I've ever owned. I just love this thing. :love:

I concur. The visual feedback shouldn't be underestimated in the making of a 'fun to use' vape... I love Daisy, and she treats me right :)

PS someone contact wikileaks so they can dig out more info about the new triihouse project ;)
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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
PS someone contact wikileaks so they can dig out more info about the new triihouse project
Just makes me think of this . . .


Oh yeah definitely @Mister G, it's gotta be nuggage for the win. There's nothing like cramming one in the Daisy or the Lily for that matter. It seems that these Triihouse girls absolutely love it!

Pop it out whole & flip it for even extraction.

Hit. Flip. Repeat.

Easy big & tasty :tup:



living in a van down by the river
anyone see the new pic on triihouse's instagram: https://instagram.com/p/3jzjbdlwTN/?taken-by=triihousecompany

shows a different trumpet mouthpiece design for the daisy :clap:as well as the new vape in the background.

edit and what's on the water piece on the left hand side of the pic? that's a thicker 'periscope' then the lily design

tommy you are killing me here with your awesome

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
Could the new vape be one specifically designed for use with a Water Tool? Does the mounted one in the pic look about the size as the one in the background?

I was going to get a couple more Daisy glass necks so I can have a few clean ones on hand at all times (they cloud up so fast and I'm getting tired of daily cleaning) but now I'll just have to wait and see if the trumpeted one becomes real.

Great stuff. Looking good Tommy and Triihouse!

Tom Funk

Well-Known Member
Too late for edit window so B2B posts....

I just ran some whole nug through my Daisy and realized one of my favorite things about this vape is how when you hit that "just right" magic spot with the torch flame and the glass neck just starts to go completely white with vapor, I tap the carb hole and it flows white and empty then white and empty again. Daisy might be the most "fun to use" vape I've ever owned. I just love this thing. :love:

I hear you about that magic spot. I've realised that your aim with the torch is more important than your draw, the length of the flame or the distance from the tube. I find that aiming the torch so that it produces the loudest whistle possible also produces maximum vapor.

You can get a very loud whistle with a slow to medium draw. What I do is to set the flame so the inner blue flame is 5/8-3/4". Then I point the flame straight down the tube (as it appears from my viewpoint) keeping the inner flame just above it. While drawing, I move the flame towards the front side of the tube while rotating the hand forward a little as well, so that the flame points back towards me slightly, shooting the flame at the tube at a bit of an angle. I fine tune my aim aurally, aiming, as I said before, for the loudest whistle. The neck turns milky in about half a second. Once I see the milk flowing I gradually lift the flame further and further from the tube. It's quite amazing how far you can get the flame away and still keep a steady stream of vapor.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too
if it hasnt been mentioned before, one of the quickest way to clean the mouth-piece is with toothbrush & soap.

For me, a quick blast under the hot tap is enough. Combine that with a screen clean with the jet torch and Daisy is a doddle to maintain.


So simple and fast in fact, you can perform both tasks inbetween sessions.


Well-Known Member
Already exited to turn my twosome into a threesome :brow: then this happens

Tommy told me that there are several new vapes coming out soon and that the one pictured will cost less then the Lily!

Several :drool::love:

What next...they are all free and come with a lifetime supply of bud? :D

Loving the triihouse family, Daisy has become my go to vape and the only downside I can find is I'm going through lots more bud than my usual large amount because I can't leave her alone, she doesn't even have a box or home just follows me around wherever I go.
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