Rexcornish on IG, Vaping since '02
Well shes here .. good results from a quick test run. Unfortunately ive got errands to run so she won't get dialled in properly till friday. Seems promising though.
@RastaVapa Sadly, I believe it to be true. There was a link many pages back (and perhaps in a diff Triihouse thread, sorry lost track), to a reddit post which told of dishonest business practices and a disagreement and breakup between the company's partners. Someone even said Tommy's Linked In acct said he went back to his previous career as a hair stylist. I have no idea what of any of that is true, I'd tend to believe the part about partnership issues over the business practice dishonesty.
I am particularly skeptical of the dishonesty allegation as that was completely opposite of my dealings with them as a customer (the reddit thing was referring to vendor/supplier relationship, however).
I will tell a story that I've never told about my experience with Tommy, which I am only revealing since they seem awol and out of biz.
When I purchased my Daisy about a year ago (because all the xmas presents I got were pretty crap so I wanted to treat myself), about a month went by and I did not get a shipping notice. So I wrote Tommy an email and he responded to me with a picture of himself from the hospital asking for my patience due to a medical emergency and that he promised to ship my Daisy as soon as he can. I of course told him to take his time and focus on his health, I could wait as long as he needed.
He sent me the Daisy and as I've trumpeted here, I've been floored by this vape ever since and it has somehow crept it's way up to top dog in my lineup. Anyways, to make up for the delay, Tommy said he was working on a new product and that because of my understanding to his health prior, he would send me one gratis, in his words, "we made you wait and that's not how we roll."
That product turned out to be the Lily!
Not only did he send me one for free, I asked him for a special favor, to send me one that is one half walnut and one half cherry. He ended up sending me one that is one half walnut and one half.....maple. He said they'd be making Maple wood another choice across their lines soon. So although my Lily is an early model and without the later modifications, it is a very rare and special edition.
I don't use it much, but when I travel overnight by car in the right situations, I pack my Lily.
I still hold out hope that Triihouse can pull a Phoenix one of these days, but I'm also pretty confident that barring disaster, these things will last my lifetime if I keep cleaning them.
I am currently unemployed, but when I'm back on my feet, I'd like to get an Eds Tnt mouthpiece for it to make the vapor cooler, plus they are just so cool.
Here's a pic of my Lily when I was trying the Peace Hack:
Where did you putchase from shit?
You made a very smart decision. The ESV was the vape that stopped me from combusting about a year ago. Shortly after I got the Daisy and it stopped me from missing my bong. I almost forgot I had a bong...I took the plunge as well, just grabbing a walnut version from vaporstore. After reading this thread, and given what stock is out there is all there is left, it seemed to be a good idea. Looking forward to experimenting with it. Have an Elevape SV that I like, so this will give me a taste of a how the other half lives.
You made a very smart decision. The ESV was the vape that stopped me from combusting about a year ago. Shortly after I got the Daisy and it stopped me from missing my bong. I almost forgot I had a bong...
You will see in my signature I have tried some decent vapes and my two favorite vapes in my lineup have always been and still remain the ESV and Daisy.
I was like, "OH NO, NO -- NO @TriiKLe any more, WHAT WILL I DO WHEN THE GLASS PARTS BREAK?!?!?!"
Then it arrived.
@Farkas Tip #1 -- Ditch the mouthpiece until you have tried it a few times... and maybe forever. Mine lives in the box. It's pretty, but wasn't making a very good seal on my face (likely the beard's fault, but it's cold, so the beard stays and the mp goes).
Tip #2 cover the bottom hole (leave the top one open), keep the tip of the flame out of the heat intake tube by a few mm, and modulate your intake speed to make it whistle. Prepare for nice smooth, cool clouds. Watch the videos on youtube if that didn't make sense.
Edit: Tip #3 don't worry about a water adapter, shit's smooooooooth
Aren't people worried about getting parts? Seems risky to buy daisy with no warranty even though I really want one.
I wondered the same thing until I held my Daisy in my hand. It would take an act of god to hurt this thing.Aren't people worried about getting parts? Seems risky to buy daisy with no warranty even though I really want one.
Yep, I shall concur with my learned brothers here - I've had my Daisy in fairly heavy rotation since October '14. And at the risk of a jinx, she is still in absolutely tip-top, sexy ass condition!Aren't people worried about getting parts? Seems risky to buy daisy with no warranty even though I really want one.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I remember Daisy going for $119 & Lily for around $90? I think. Others may recall with more confidence however . . . .What was the price for the daisy and the lily from triihouse?