As much as I anticipate new triihouse gear ... Come on pal. You have had me hanging on this stiring tool storage place since Friday.
Sorry bud forgot all about that,
Here, it's just the Arizer stir tool but IMO it works great with Daisy (I like to drop a whole nug in take a couple hits then squash it with the flat end then stir with pointy end) and is nice to hold/play with also

I'm thinking about trying to get one with orange/red to match the o-rings.
And it just fits nice in the heat intake

so never lost, and Daisy moves from room to room with me (never been put away yet) so it's nice that it's always there.
Another use I found is to tell you when you don't really
need another bowl, if you try to torch the stirrer you've probably had too much

kind of a stoner fail safe
And here is what had collected under my screen

after quite a bit of usage, the metal pipe connector was basically blocked.
And this is what I scraped out from under the screen (not the pic above but on the wood base) I think it's some kind of ABV + oil mix
So yeah my Daisy gets a
lot of use, and if someone tied me down and threatened to start cutting off limbs unless I picked only one vape it would be her

(but shhhh don't tell the others)