While there being made available on your website are they coming to DH gate? Any kits planned too like the 6 ton bottle jack?
My latest effort 2 x 5 gram MBAP
Best return yet.( unmeasured)
@psychonaut I had a little more to give, but close to max pressure.@Alexis I think a third puck could just about fit. Am I right in thinking the 2x4 pre press pictured above will pre press and Oz. And that the bottle jack upgraded to 8 ton could handle it? I would like to try that sometime when I have lots of product. 2 x five grams works really well. Anymore might be less effective? maybe 3 x seven Is possible? 21g! It’s pretty close to an Oz anyway? Happy pressing
I'm looking to buy the dabpress 3x3 version and get pre-press mold and filter bags. Is there a discount code for FC members?I totally understand now. I will keep promises to offer free shipping + 3 freebies at the end of this month.
Thank you
I'm looking to buy the dabpress 3x3 version and get pre-press mold and filter bags. Is there a discount code for FC members?
Ya I see that but I still want to know about a discount code or something if there is one. I already have that in my cart but ty all the same.Hi there! On the official webstore (www.dabpress.com) you will find the 3x3 plates, if you scroll down you will see an option to bundle the pre-press mold and filters and save money.
Ya I see that but I still want to know about a discount code or something if there is one. I already have that in my cart but ty all the same.
Its telling me its gonna be 40$ to ship it and that just seems high... an when I pmhit proceed to checkout it actually doesnt even apply that discount for bundling the package of 3 times so it's actually not even working right for that "deal"
Ya def man I just want to figure it out. With the bundle deal not even working it comes to 298 shipped for that package of 3, I could actually get a larger press and that package shipped for the same price! So theres def a error going on here haha. I'm in no rush tho I've just been watching the tech improve an pricing get better the last 4 years an figured it may be about time. Another few weeks or months isnt gonna make a differance.It's weekend and night time in China so perhaps Roger @dabpress.com will be able to answer later if there are any August promo's for FC members.
If you order off of amazon, and leave your unbiased review on the product, we will offer a free promo item (pre-press mold or dab tool kit) after the review is pubished. That is another option, and offers free shipping for US and Canada customers.
I hope this helps!
Ya def man I just want to figure it out. With the bundle deal not even working it comes to 298 shipped for that package of 3, I could actually get a larger press and that package shipped for the same price! So theres def a error going on here haha. I'm in no rush tho I've just been watching the tech improve an pricing get better the last 4 years an figured it may be about time. Another few weeks or months isnt gonna make a differance.
Could be perfect for me. That 3x3 approx area looks perfect for my needs, I'd want to squish 5-7g at a time, pretty much no more or less. If I get it within about 3 weeks, or it will be about 2 an a half months are the 2 windows ya catch my drift
We have a smaller unit that is in R&D right now. Aim is to have a capable unit priced under our dp-bj6t35 with smaller surface area and less tonnage. That may be right up your alley, especially if you're not in a rush. We hope to have this unit finished with R&D sometime this month, and then the stress testing and finally release should be sometime soon thereafter!
@psychonaut can you give a run down comparing this unit in R&D to https://www.dabpress.com/products/dp-rp33-diy-rosin-heat-plates?variant=48968851924 for me?
Things I like about the dp-rp33 is that it's only 300 watts, and ships out by itself to be attached to a press by the buyer. I can get a shop press for under 100 so I dont really know if its it's a benifit to buy a all in one unit unless it comes in under 300. I'm totally open to it though at the 300 or less mark. No lie, some of these all in one units look sexy af. But I'm not too superficial, cost is my main motivator
Thanks for the link an insight. Height is no factor to me, table space is actually harder to come by than floor space. Lots of unused level concrete floor going to waste in my basementWithout actually having seen the prototype, I am going by what Roger has laid out as the initial plan. You can read it here -
What is anodized rosin plate kit? How to use it?
Outside of that, the design is to be compact, in every aspect. Compare it to a 6-ton Harbor Freight A-Frame shop press which towers at 30" high. Roger I am sure is designing the unit with insulation barriers between the heated plates and frame. Release promo will add some additional value for a new rosineer needing accessories. It will be our most portable unit.
If price is your driving factor then you will have a difficult time beating a 6-ton A-frame shop press paired with the 3x3" plate kit. I wouldn't steer the budget conscious away from this setup because it really is rock bottom price for DIY rosin press.
................................................................................Thanks for the link an insight. Height is no factor to me, table space is actually harder to come by than floor space. Lots of unused level concrete floor going to waste in my basement