Good news my friends, and progress- in positive and high motivated spirit, I got up at 12 pm today and sped through my allergy treatments and shower in near record time (2.2 hours).
It turned into a lovely hot sunny day, AGAIN. But thunder is coming at 4 pm onwards, so I needed to be at home early to get covers in place for rain. Still, at 2.40 pm I was hurriedly tasting a full load of uplifting Durban ready to rush to the bank and back in time.
I sped there in lovely weather, drinking my nettle tea on the way. Wanted to get home asap, cloud front was coming in. Anxious times!!
I made it! Home now finishing the load I only tasted it before. So a great day for Autos again even though they may see cover over the weekend.
And now- I can order my Dabpress!!

My mind was preoccupied on the way with many tussling matters. I was feeling happy and high. But you know what? I wasnt thinking about the money or press at all. I mean I couldnt be more happily convicted with no reservation or doubt.
I owe this to the advices and reassurances from you all here, Roger especially for your total honesty and clarity.
Anyway, nicely high here in England today, watching for thunder and food to come, then at some point- a press to buy.