@dabpress.com and
@psychonaut thanks so much guys for the insight you have provided as I seek to gain a better understanding of things to know my choices more clearly.
And thank you Roger sincerely for trying to understand my questions and give the best possible advice. I understand and appreciate your viewpoint perfectly. I hear you- you arent making any sort of claims. You are humbly doing your very best with your skills and knowkedge to offer as many good options as possible, trying to design what people want.
And sure, it is not black and white, "better or worse", just differences with pros and cons.
So I get it. The bottlejack kit is simple, less to go wrong, and very affordable. And I feel assured by
@psychonaut that a gauge is not at all essential for good results.
Mainly I wanted to get a better understanding of the potential differences between the various options, for the best results.
I feel pretty confident that the dp-bj6t35 looks ideal for me. I feel the upcoming MINI hydraulic rosin press will be out of my budget realistically.
So that helps. But Im still not clear on all the other options on the site, so if anybody feels there is a similarly priced option that would also make sense for me, be viable practically and not need too much space please let me know.
I saw the
dp80 Home Pneumatic Rosin Press which I don't know anything about but also looks very small and compact. I was looking to see if this might be another good option and I see only one potential downside- "Only Focus on Pressing 3.5-5g Buds".
I like the sound of being able to press up to 10 grams at a time with the dp-bj6t35. As an option at least. Ideally I would like to press smaller amounts but with some of my material the yield maybe low so the larger amounts could be required and also I'm sure it makes sense to press more each time to save a little on filters.
So on that, I lean back towards the bottle jack, but remain open to suggestions if anybody feels there is a more suitable option.
@psychonaut I hear you too- nothing to fear eh. You are so right, what have I to lose really? Just like you say if I under press I can press again, or vape it. And no matter what I definitely would plan to use the pucks to make edibles, so in that sense not getting everything out of the herb is an advantage in another way and nothing lost.
And ultimately this is about health and happiness and moving forward in life so there is no point quibbling about a few little percents is there now? Life is short as we know, we get so needlessly hung up on things that shouldn't hold us back from reaching for a better life.
Just a word on my herb as well- I get very very good vapor production from it. Dense milk. The vapcap is a good tester I find. More than other vaporizers I feel the vapcap does not perform so well with inferior quality herbs and can be a very unsatisfying experience.
In contrast high-grade top shelf makes the vapcap the world wide hit it is, making it easy to consistently get big hits without really trying.
Most of my autos hit very hard in the vapcap, 3 dense whitewalls that are plenty big enough for me, especially now that my herb has dried out more prior to Vaping and I am using the new Kannastor Gr8tr V2 grinder, which has increased vapor production in all of my vapes and strains.
@dabpress.com Im not sure what to suggest on your dilemma about what to include in the FC package between Dab tool kit and pre press mould or a back up bottle Jack.
My feeling would be that if it is easy and affordable enough for us to source a bottle Jack ourselves should we need one down the line, then it may be more useful for me personally to favour your initial proposal.
But only if it would be straightforward and fairly inexpensive for us to replace the bottle Jack ourselves if needed.
So sorry guys not much help to you all here with so many questions and uncertainty.
I am intent on buying the dp-bj6t35 this month if I can be fully assured this will be a suitable, sufficient choice for me all things considered, and if I wait until the very end of the month our Autos will be so close to being done then I will have a better idea of how weather is looking and what sort of hurdles we may face if any to harvest.
Cheers guys hope the week has started well for everybody.