Da Buddha


Well-Known Member
i assume that for vaporbonging the dbv whip just hooks into the downstem? sounds class tbh



Serial Vapist
2clicker said:
i would also like to add that using other peoples dial settings may not be accurate on another DBV

im not sure if this has to do with how the dials are mounted to the DBVs or if they have used different dials on different units or whatever, but they are not all the same

its all about finding the "sweet spot" on your specific unit

2oclock may be a prime setting on one DBV, but be well into combustion range on another
Found this out the hard way last night. On my old SSV 1 o'clock was a good setting for me, using my DBV for the first time last night I had the dial at 1 and took normal draw. Right away my bub was filled with smoke and tasted like ass. Now my dial is set to 10am and it produces nice blue-white vapor.


champ3185 said:
that looks cool!

and champ, if youve already got a bong with a bowl there is a chance you can use the bowl as one of these adapters...

here is a pic of the EHLE bowl i picked up to use with a wand style vape, but the tubing fits into the bowl very nice... very snug. so this works great when im using my DBV instead. i dont have a pic of it with the tubing in it, but im sure you can picture it...?

just saying though... if youve already got a bowl you may not have to buy an adapter ;)

you can also just stick the DBV tubing into the downstem... that seems to work effectively as well


AgentofChaos said:
2clicker said:
i would also like to add that using other peoples dial settings may not be accurate on another DBV

im not sure if this has to do with how the dials are mounted to the DBVs or if they have used different dials on different units or whatever, but they are not all the same

its all about finding the "sweet spot" on your specific unit

2oclock may be a prime setting on one DBV, but be well into combustion range on another
Found this out the hard way last night. On my old SSV 1 o'clock was a good setting for me, using my DBV for the first time last night I had the dial at 1 and took normal draw. Right away my bub was filled with smoke and tasted like ass. Now my dial is set to 10am and it produces nice blue-white vapor.


i have found that each and every dial controlled vape has a mind of its own

its almost like they are alive... :o


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help. i have a feeling that dbv will make mflb look like a toy.

not a dig at mflb..jus that i cant get any vapor from it..



Well-Known Member
quick question
is it a must to take the wand away from the heat element after every hit or can the wand stay on for the sesh?newbie obv



champ3185 said:
is it a must to take the wand away from the heat element after every hit or can the wand stay on for the sesh?
I like to remove the whip and walk around holding it like a wandering pilgrim. ;)


Pappy said:
champ3185 said:
is it a must to take the wand away from the heat element after every hit or can the wand stay on for the sesh?
I like to remove the whip and walk around holding it like a wandering pilgrim. ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

as do i, but if you have the heat set to where you would combust even if just the wand was attached then your doing it wrong (not saying you are OP)

you are more than fine to leave it attached. but most like to stir between hits to evenly brown the herb. i tend to hold it and spin it while i hit it. then remove it and hand it to someone or set it down.


Well-Known Member
This vaporizer is awesome. Got it 4 days ago, and I love it. :D

Great buy for the price... lungs are priceless anyways..

If you can't achieve anything with it, perfect your technique.. it takes time, but works SO well!


Well-Known Member
I love my DBV so much, its been my daily driver for a while. It really holds up, I even voided the warranty on purpose and didn't hesitate because I have no doubt that this will live past its warranty!

I like to use it hooked up to a bong with hot water.


Great Scott!
I have to say being a new owner of Da Buddha is great. It's my personal favorite vape I've used so far. The list includes volcano, Vapir 5.0 (GARBAGE!!!), iolite, and MFLB.

Obviously they all have their own strengths and weaknesses, and my MFLB will most likely always be my most used vape, but Da Buddha has been the most exciting and interesting experience so far IMO.

I judge a vape like this...if it broke, would I buy a new one? If so how fast. The answer for my MFLB and DB is Yes and ASAP. The iolite and vapir and volcano were not for me. I never owned a cano I just used it about 5 times.


Well-Known Member
Da buddha beats the volcano? Awesome.. !

It's the best for its price for sure.

I have a MFLB too, I don't like it, and as I see i'm the only one. I get so stoned with da buddha, and with the MFLB i get 10% of a high ... it pretty suck. I tried every technique, and i'm not a new vaporist.. I'm used with with a bong and a whip.. and inhale a lot in one shot, I guess it's that


2clicker said:
AgentofChaos said:
2clicker said:
i would also like to add that using other peoples dial settings may not be accurate on another DBV

im not sure if this has to do with how the dials are mounted to the DBVs or if they have used different dials on different units or whatever, but they are not all the same

its all about finding the "sweet spot" on your specific unit

2oclock may be a prime setting on one DBV, but be well into combustion range on another
Found this out the hard way last night. On my old SSV 1 o'clock was a good setting for me, using my DBV for the first time last night I had the dial at 1 and took normal draw. Right away my bub was filled with smoke and tasted like ass. Now my dial is set to 10am and it produces nice blue-white vapor.


i have found that each and every dial controlled vape has a mind of its own

its almost like they are alive... :o

First, the knob might not have been placed in the exact same position. Also, the distance between the heater cover and the heating element is different with every unit, and is an important variable too. The speed of the air draw and how much clogged the screen also gives differences. Also, i have noticed that the indoor temperature of the room where you are change the vape temp. And finally, i don't know if all units are like mine, but after some time that my buddha is running (like 1 to a few hours) i need to lower the temperature as the surrounding metal base had enough time to get warm and that makes the heating element to get hotter. So, i might start at 1pm, and after a few hours be at noon but still vaping at around the same temperature.


Those are being sold by 7th Floor, the manufacturer of the DBV. They include the full three year warranty, so if you're into the black look and don't care about a "scratched tube or baseplate, a chip in the paint, or cracked knob." then I'd say it's a good deal. You might want to look into the blemished SSV's as well if you're into those.


Serial Vapist
return2heaven said:
hello DBV users! i was wondering if anyone has bought one of these DB's with a blemish? they are marked down considerably. what do you guys think?

I purchased one directly from 7th Floor and it looks and performs great. It had very minor scratches on the top of the unit; you really have to look carefully to see. I definitely suggest it, well worth the savings without jeopardizing the warranty.

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Well-Known Member
aesthyrian said:
Those are being sold by 7th Floor, the manufacturer of the DBV. They include the full three year warranty, so if you're into the black look and don't care about a "scratched tube or baseplate, a chip in the paint, or cracked knob." then I'd say it's a good deal. You might want to look into the blemished SSV's as well if you're into those.

Sweet, thnx for the info!


AgentofChaos said:
I purchased one directly from 7th Floor and it looks and performs great. It had very minor scratches on the top of the unit; you really have to look carefully to see. I definitely suggest it, well worth the savings without jeopardizing the warranty.

good advise


Well-Known Member
Hi, I recently purchased the DBV as my first vaporizer and first time using a vaporizer. I need someone to help me out as the posts I've read in this thread and other forums all claim that people are managing to get many tokes out of one bowl in DBV. I'm only managing to get 4-5 toke max. I'm just covering the screen when I pack the bowl and have tried more than a few different heat settings. Is this normal? Can someone please help me out as I bought DBV to conserve weed and feel
Like I'm wasting it. Tips and advice appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Your only getting a few hits most likely for a couple of reasons.
1. You are probably taking pretty big hits. Since vapor is not smoke, you should hold the vapor in your lungs for at least 10 seconds. So take smaller hits and hold em.
2.You said you are only putting a very small amount, just enough to cover the screen, thats a small bowl. The maximum that you should pack is 1/4 of the entire space above the screen.

Be sure to stir the herb and pack it back down with the marble every few hits, so that it vapes evenly.

I like to keep my dial between 1 and 2 o'clock.

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Personnally i prefer to use a larger amount in the wand even if i just want a few puffs, i fill around half the wand (not compacted), and just leave the left overs in the wand for the next time if it's not finished. It does not seems to vape very well when there is only a small amount in the wand.


The nice thing about the DBV is you can remove the wand when you've had enough, store it upright, and use it later.
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