Hello All:
This is my very first post. I am totally new to the vape thing. My DBV arrives this afternoon, and I am psyched to spend my Friday night getting to know one another.

I chose the DBV based on the rave reviews on this and other forums. I just want to say a quick thanks to the members here for running a top notch site. It seems like a wonderful community and the sum total of the knowledge and experience here is truly staggering.
So there are mainly two things I am wondering about, and both relate to the same issue: I am a total lightweight. My past experience, for years, has been to take either one, or at most two tokes off a small pipe. That's all I need to be all set. The spousal unit does not partake, so 99% of the time, it is just me The pipe has a screw on lid, so I would just keep everything in there until I could no longer get a hit. Then it was out with the ashes and in with a new bit of bud. I have never used a grinder. I would only pinch off what would fit in the bowl and go.
Now all that is going to change. From reading various posts here I have learned that for efficient vaping, I need to grind. Then comes the load. I have read that so long as I can cover the screen, I should be OK. I just wonder if that will be too much material for my solitary tokes. Ideally, I would have liked to find the DBV equivalent of a one-hitter. I looked at some of the log style vapes, but they seemed to have very long warm up times and were best plugged in all the time. I am a super light user, and only
partake once or twice per week. So I wanted something that would heat up fast when the time came. (Kind of sounds like a Cialis commercial, doesn't it?) Is it possible to use the DVB as a single or double hitter? And is it possible to only grind enough for 1-2 hits, so I don't have staleness to contend with?
My second question relates to what to do with the material left in the chamber after my one or two hits. I have read about being able to reuse it. Do people keep a second stash of "used" weed? I also read about cooking with it, but I will bet I never get to that. I just want to be as efficient as possible with my vaping.
So any hints you can throw me regarding being a micro-user would be greatly appreciated. I realize my particular situation might have possibly led me to a different choice of a vape, but I am confident I can make the DBV work beautifully if I have some guidance. And thanks again to all of you for being so generous with your time and experience.