So whats up everyone!!!!

Lovin this forum. So I've had my Buddha for about a week now and it's been a battle to say the least. I've been sharing this bad boy with the wife and she's been a tad slower in the learning dept. I think a poster back said to get a new wife ... LoLs
So let me share our experiences with you all, might help a few, give a good laugh to the others.
1st off I just have to say this thing is the shizzle!! I bought a black Buddha off eBay and have a standard wand etc. We both love the heck out of it but are still getting a handle on it.
In about the week or so that we've had this thing I'll have to say we've combusted at least 3 or 4 bowls
inside of the wand so that sucks and she's blown BACK into the heater at least a half a dozen times
I've even had to soak the heater cover once to get all the burnt crap out, tasted horrible. Also of note, we've had burnt on herb stuck to the actual heater as well. I was really worried once, the entire end of the thing was gray instead of white. I thought it was toast for sure, but I simply cleaned it off with a tissue and water and turned it on full power for a few mins. Seems to still be working fine. So this thing has taken a serious beating as far as combustion is concerned and it's still working great.
Another mistake I made right off the bat was taking the temp knob off. I was stoned and wanted to see what the connection looked like, figured I could find a cool knob at Radio Shack. Well with me taking that knob off I failed to remember to note where it sat in the off position. So now I'm all screwed up on where it should be set temp wise but I think I got it figured out.
She likes it HOT so she gets the huge vapor hits but this sometimes causes her to choke and cough back into the device grrrrrrrr. She says it's not her fault but a faulty design lol.
Anywho... I've been tempted to try the standard heater cover and wand from the SSV to see if that would help her to not leave the wand connected. Also just wanna try the different style since I end up stirring after every hit anyway.
For those that want to customize, I also was messing around on the SSV site and they have GG 19mm standard wands that would fit the Buddha just fine and have some COLOR to them kinda like the SSV wands. So why buy a plain jane wand when u could get one with color!!! Too cool.
I've read EVERY page on this Buddha forum so I know that the SSV and Buddha heater covers are interchangable but has anyone done it? Has anyone done it and reported back the results or shown pics????
Enough rambling... back to work