I should? Just because I own it, doesn't mean I spill it. I know that people say its about spillage, but I just don't think its a real-world concern.* And the SSV wand isn't 'spillproof' in any way whatsoever. On the DBV, sure the herbs can spill out, but do they? I have rocked both vapes for five straight years, and I have never spilled anything out of either when loading it into the vape. Packing the herb, or loading up full reduces airflow and I definitely don't recommend that. Straining the lungs can't be beneficial, but whatever floats thy boat.
I don't see how the SSV is spill proof. It may not fall out when you use the vape normally, but if a new user uses either the DBV or SSV and has blowback, it will instantly spill out and you get fire, and a mess to clean up. That's a reality. Does any other vape do this? I think its a design flaw. They could use additional secondary screens from the Q in the tip and the problem is solved - but creates another problem for 7th Floor. This request has been made of them many times, but for obvious reasons they refuse to provide them.
If you add the second screen, you completely eliminate the need for the angle. That causes issues for the SSV's marketing. Of the four things that set it apart from the DBV, that being glass, baseplate, paint, and angle, only the angle has to do with function. If you take that away, all you have left is cosmetics.
The LSV, fwiw, traps the herbs between two screens.
*I guess there are certain parts of the country where people are loading super dry dust, all the way to the tip, and I could see that falling out. But any ground herb of even minimal stickiness...no issues.
Edit: I guess the larger point I am trying to make here is that the angle is marketing. Okay, now its technically possible that something might fall out. And just because my reality is that it doesn't - isn't others reality - doesn't make the angle unnecessary. Okay. Different strokes for different folks. I get that its preference, fit, whatever works for you. Angle of the Dangle and so on.
Were they to enable a safer product that didn't allow herbs to fall back on to the heater cover, they kill important marketing for the SSV. And we as consumer lose, because both vapes are still susceptible to flame up like no other vaporizer. Its a pickle for them, no doubt. One that we are left to solve as consumers. If I produced vaporizers, and there was a chance in hell of a flame up like this - contained in the glass or not - I would not put it on the market until that issue was eliminated, completely. The solution? One single screen. Personally I find this situation just...odd. It's an issue that has existed since the vape was created nearly 9 years ago.