Oh no it is Pappy's fault....Wondering how many others are following in his foots steps....

of coarse!!:
I got the BorrMarket itch just catching up to all everyone has said and done in here. I saw Papy and how quickly he moved in on his collection which gave me another

. I am an old time collector of glass for a different sport. Some strange reason when getting Divorced my ex had to have the glass...hmmm she never liked it that much when we were married. Wondering out loud why in the world she had to have it?
So I have my SG Mini on the way and a cosmetic defective BW just because of Pappys experience and what he had written. Then of coarse he added his new piece and sold his baby. Wow that affair didn't last all that long!!
Here is where I could use some solid advice. I took the DWB plunge and ordered a custom piece a couple of days ago. From what I read it seems the recommendation would be a waffle to inverted tree and somewhere in the 16-18" range. I would greatly appreciate the advice of the community, what would you personally choose and why?
Thanks to everyone here, without your comments and advice I dont think I would own DBV. Now by adding this one last piece of glass I am hoping to be a happy camper for years to come. So thanks to everyone here for any advice you have!!