I still ocassionally smoke, but for me vaping did the opposite of ruining smoking
before I never tasted weed with combustion, but since I'm primarly vaping, I can also notice the weedtaste with combustion sometimes
it's just so much disguised and taken over by the combustiontaste that before I never noticed it, but now I know the taste of weed trugh vaping I can also distinguish it with combustion(altough the combustiontaste, wich is probably the same as the ashtaste you describe, overpowers it, but on the first hits if I light my pipe very gently it's still delicious, but if I smoke with a friend the weedtaste is usually completely gone after they have hit it once since they light the entire bowl, I just light a little bit very gently)
have to add btw, my sense of smell isn't that good so often I don't even taste anything while vaping, but if I taste it it's heavenly, I love the taste of weed I just hate that I can't taste it that often