I've never noticed a massive difference on taste with differing levels of diffusion.
Is it "overkill for vapor" sure, but basically any water price is.
The matrix ion would be an awesome piece, im looking to add one to my collection eventually, and I'm also looking into getting a stereo matrix

IMO, get whichever piece speaks to you more.
If you like the piece going in, your just gonna love it all that more when you experience it's functionality.
If you're unsure, the ion is probably a better intro, since it's a bit cheaper, and you will still get some awesome matrix styled diffusion
Tbh I was a little disappointed with the function of the stereo matrix when I finally figured out how it works...
The bottom perc doesn't really do anything...
It still stacks like a mofo, but I would think it would function almost exactly the same without that bottom matrix in there...
(that's still not enough to make me not want to get one though... It stacks like a beast

There are a few variations on the stereo matrix,
Are you familiar with them?