Amazing little party you had, I wish I had that many smaller tubes to try out!

The thing that amazes me about the inverted 4 is how smooth the hit is regardless of how much is pulled through it. Unlike some of my other pieces I can keep ripping and ripping on the inv. 4 after it's fully milked and still fully enjoy the taste and sensation.

Just noticed your water level though, I highly
highly recommend setting the water level just below the first set of grids for the best hit, filling it up like a fixed stem section just doesn't do it justice
I believe HiSi stuff with the periodic table looking label is coming at least in part out of zobs shop in southern CA (at least by their claims). I was going to get a custom done by them because they're basically in my back yard (mixed feelings on them sadly) and they had several nice wubblers and mini tubes with misprinted labels they tried to sell me. Damn, now I want more glass