Customized vape setups


borosilicate fiend..
minnesnowta said:
Exactly what I was thinking. Get a swing for dabs then have the nail fo big rips. My kabley came yesterday. Looks amazing. He made huge improvements on the windage slits. It doesn't seem to restrict airflow much at all. He does two different size heads which should heat up differently and retain different ammounts of heat. Can't wait for the dome. It's the last peice to the puzzle. And runnin a batch of oil. I can't wait.
Yeah, I snagged a nail real quick before he went to GLAS.. It was supposed to come this week but IDK when it's gonna show up?! Man I'm so anxious, I got so much shit coming in.


I am Jack's title
So you guys suggest a nail setup for the best hits? I haven't used both the nail and the curve together side by side with the same material to make a good comparison, but based on my own usage I like curves more. I personally don't like the glass paddles / nails because my roommate almost burned our apartment down with one during college. (broken, still warm pads DO NOT go in the trash can even if it's metal :rolleyes: )
If you guys had to pick just one method (curve vs dome) which would you pick ?


Vaporist/Glass Head
Well i personaly like the looks of domes more but I may be one of the few. From what I understand domes tend to hold a little bit more heat so you can take bigger hits but the curve will heat up much faster due to it's smaller size. It's all preference


borosilicate fiend..
IDK-Like minnesnowta said, I prefer the dome for the bigger rips and the curve for the smaller rips... with the same setup (16" Toro fixed 7 arm with same size dab) I seemed to get much thicker hits with the dome over the curve... I need to do more vigorous testing to be sure though :brow:

The curve however is a bit more convenient to use as it heats up faster, quicker to flip down the Ti pad rather than pick up the dome and put it on.. They both have their advantages, and that's why I own both lol.


I am Jack's title
In time azn, in time :D I finally cleaned up my roor so on with the pictures! If anyone wanted a specific shot let me know, gonna start working on vapor milkshots this weekend and hopefully some more pics of the rest of my collection as I get around to cleaning them. I put more pictures up in the post your glass thread but you get the idea. :D

The flash really helped the colors on the elbows to stand out like they do in person, I got lazy and didn't finish cleaning as you can tell :p



I am Jack's title
It's a, it doesn't have a signature, but was purchased at a legit RooR store in LA. It hits amazingly when you pull slowly because the second inverted beaker section and the rings make the vapor/smoke expand and turn as it rises making it more dense in the end. It's a solid 5 mm and has been my daily piece since I bought it over 5 years ago.

I posted some closer pics in the post your glass thread if you want to check it out yourself.

I think I was watching the Lakers lose when I wrote that response so my bad if it sounded more negative than I intended. :lol: :peace:


borosilicate fiend..
Cool! Didn't mean to grill you or anything, just never seen one like that... pretty cool.

Here's a shot of what I've been ripping the past couple days... Still learning how to use it, I overheated it and tried to blow on it to cool it off LOL


Chief Vapor Officer
Sweet, that supreme makes it really milky. How's the taste on that thing?

Is that you new SG AZN?


borosilicate fiend..
Taste is pretty good, on par with the PD as far as I can tell. Light taste of wood but I expect that to go away in a bit...

That's the same ole' toro... SG should be here Wednesday/Thursday... Can't wait!!!


Chief Vapor Officer
i thought you got rid of your toros to buy the SG...I must have misunderstood.

I also have some good news. Henny's SG is making a pit stop at my house before I send it off to him so I will get a chance to try out their Stemline.... I'm so excited!!!!!! Now, I will become a man after hitting the SG

How about that BJ Penn, I'm back on the bandwagon!!!!!!!


borosilicate fiend..
You're right, I did sell a toro to get the SG... Actually I sold my other toro so I could buy a bunch of oil gear... I finally got my GF to agree to buy me the SG for Christmas :) Mine should be here tomorrow?? Thursday at the latest hopefully.

BJ... needs to rematch GSP and win, that's all I would like to see. Dunno if that's ever going to happen :rolleyes:

the electrician

Well-Known Member
There are some pretty special set ups in this thread, makes a man want to start a collection. Here's the heat I'm currently packin, not too hot

The weed is in the male joint area of the stem, in the top is a broken stirrer (dropped the bugger earlier on). It's begging for a vapour bong but after all this spending I'm begging for money.
the electrician,


Well-Known Member
hi, iam nmew here, great forum

i know its looking funny but... it wokrs like volcano coz got bag but no remote like "E" :ninja: :brow: :lol: hehe peace

for example its a heat gun for 25$ + 5$ coca-cola and free bag from shop, hehe ;)

ps. my extreme is on my way for 299$ COOL!


Chief Vapor Officer
Hennessy was nice enough to let me rip his SG stemline before sending it off to him... since the most direct comparison is the waffle, I decided to just do a side by side so you can see how differently they diffuse. The stemline's grid is facing downwards but makes tinier bubbles than the waffle.

The SG has more of a purr too it, kinda fizzy too. The waffles got slightly more chug to it but both are killer, wish I could keep the SG but just grateful to get to hit one.


borosilicate fiend..
Stemline ROCKS! I got grids up, most similar to a waffle I guess.... I think grids down = a little more drag, but forces all the slits to be used... grids up = a little less drag, but not all the slits see bubbles simultaneously like grids down. Drag in either tube should be neglible anyways, I wouldn't think they (grid up/grid down) hit too much differently either. I love mine, got the SG AC too when I decide to combust..
Diffusion vid:

Supreme vid:


Well-Known Member
you guys where you buy such a beautiful diffusers? everoesit? I saw onlly weed master diffuser one and ehle, but no one was similar to this one above, and price was around 300 pounds, where i can buy for less prices, know some shops ? regards :rolleyes::rolleyes: sry for my english :uhoh:


Vaporist/Glass Head
You can really only buy SG in shops or on one online store but that one only shipps to california. Theyre pretty amazing but kindof had to find. I'm not sure of too many companies that will ship glass internationaly. I haven't looked into it to be honest.

I had no clue Sg made both upfacing and down facing gridlines. Monkeys vid looks like the waffle stacks more and is just amazing to watch. Gridline is no slouch by any means though. I thought you said henny was geting a stemline though. Those are freakin crazy lookin. I'd love to own a sg someday. I'm gonna get somethin smaller before I buy a tube though. Thinkin a showerhead a/c with mouth piece would work out real nice for oil.


Chief Vapor Officer
minnesnowta - as far as I know, what I had sent to my house is a stemline and looks just like AZN's stemline but I'm no expert when it comes to SG, perhaps AZN can clarify if what we have is gridline or stemline... I had thought the gridlines were the ones that looked like 4 inline tubes with holes in it while the stemline is more like a stubby gridded inline? Now, I'm confusing myself.

I'm not 100% sure if how high the bubbles stack directly correlate into how smooth the piece hits as both the SG and SGW are very, very comparable.

AZN - I found the opposite to be true about grids up or down... I find that the SG with grids down requires more sucking power to make all the slits bubble whereas with grid up, like on the waffle, you get even distribution of bubbles in with low suction power.


borosilicate fiend..
SM55 is right, henny and I have stemlines... They do make gridlines with slits on the bottom and ones with slits on the top though.

And yeah, I guess I explained it shitty... The grids up takes less pulling power but not all the grids get used (the last grid) unless you're really ripping it. I'll put up more vids later.


Chief Vapor Officer
had some fun tonite! from left to right - SG Inverted 4, SG Stemline (grids down, StoneGlassWork Waffle Bubbler, HiSci Flashlight (some local blower in Northern California, he OEMs stuff for some brands that you would be familiar with but this is his own stuff)

The SG stuff is top notch, classy, and super smooth. Both tubes clear really quickly.

I've already talked about how much I love my SGW Waffler bubbler so it doesn't need any repeating.

The HiSci (not sure if this is the name or not but that's what is etched on the label, their website is but not much more info) is something I got just by chance for being in the right place at the right time. I was impressed with the way this thing hit. Very little drag and made the vapor super smooth. For some reason, this one seemed to pack a bigger punch than the other ones in terms of the potency of the high.








I am Jack's title
Amazing little party you had, I wish I had that many smaller tubes to try out! :o:brow:

The thing that amazes me about the inverted 4 is how smooth the hit is regardless of how much is pulled through it. Unlike some of my other pieces I can keep ripping and ripping on the inv. 4 after it's fully milked and still fully enjoy the taste and sensation. :ko:
Just noticed your water level though, I highly highly recommend setting the water level just below the first set of grids for the best hit, filling it up like a fixed stem section just doesn't do it justice :2c:

I believe HiSi stuff with the periodic table looking label is coming at least in part out of zobs shop in southern CA (at least by their claims). I was going to get a custom done by them because they're basically in my back yard (mixed feelings on them sadly) and they had several nice wubblers and mini tubes with misprinted labels they tried to sell me. Damn, now I want more glass :lol:
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