That waffle does look sick!
I have not yet had an opportunity to try one yet.
The Jagito is nice, but it does seem like the waffle stacks bubbles higher (I wonder why the waffle is not pointed downwards???).
However, which one seems to most forcefully stir and stretch the individual air bubbles? (my vote, from what I know, is for the Jagito).
However, the beautiful stacking of the bubbles that the waffle seems to be capable of is great for releasing all of the vapor evenly into the tube and preventing it from mixing with the air above more than necessary.
I personally have been digging the performance of the shower head a bit more than the inline (the cross action of the slits through which the bubbles are released and the proximity to the bottom of the piece make the bubbles forcefully stretch and smash each other on the way up).
IMO, well organized tiny beads (sometimes with larger ones) in the water trump inlines, waffles, showerheads, trees, domes, discs, etc. (in both performance and price). Stack more or stretch more, then change your mind and reorganize the beads for a whole new piece.
Glad you're digging your new pieces, SM.
Waffles and Turkey!!! Can anyone think of a better appetizer?